Chapter 7

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After the stunt Montague pulled on Monday, Hermione knew Draco was watching her even closer. Anytime she returned to the dorm with a stinging hex, he wanted to know who was responsible and would disappear for half an hour after getting an answer. Any class she didn't have with him was almost a relief until she passed a group of Slytherins in the hallway. With Draco at her side, she was never bothered. The minute he left, though, she would be hit with a hex or shoved to the side.

It wasn't just her getting bullied either. She saw other muggle borns getting shoved around too and while she rushed to defend them, no one else bothered to help her. Not that she necessarily minded though. Hermione didn't want to get Ginny involved as her family was already a target with their not so discreet alliance with the Order. Luna managed to step in every now and then, but she already got bullied enough that Hermione felt bad about making it worse for her. As it was, Hermione had painted a large target over her head by becoming Harry Potter's muggle born friend.

"You should really just skip classes this afternoon," Draco said, fastening his cloak under his chin after lunch on Wednesday. Surprisingly, Montague and his group hadn't been a problem that morning, but clearly Draco wasn't about to let that keep him from worrying.

"I'm not skipping class because you're worried I'll get hit with a stinging hex," Hermione replied. She quickly switched out her textbooks then turned to face Draco. "Between the two of us, you're the one we should be worried about."

"Ah, but there are others who are willing to take the hit for me," he said. "Everyone's just trying to hit you."

Hermione gave him a small smile and pulled open their dormitory door. She walked with him to Snape's office and hesitated before leaving for Herbology.

"You'll be safe, right?" she asked.

Draco nodded. Before he could slip into Snape's office, Hermione hugged him tightly. He hugged her just as tight then let her go, muttering the password to the gargoyles. As soon as he was out of sight, Hermione sighed and continued down the hallway.

Just as she turned around the corner, she came face to face with Professors Alecto and Amycus Carrow. She stumbled out of their way, glancing away as they eyed her disdainfully. As she scurried past, she wondered if they had overheard her and Draco and what would happen to him if they did. She doubted it would be anything good, but with a little luck, they wouldn't have seen or heard anything.

As she hurried to Herbology, she couldn't help but keep thinking back to the Carrows. They were clearly going with Draco and Snape on whatever mission Mr. Malfoy had mentioned, which meant that there wouldn't be Dark Arts that afternoon. With the Carrows and Snape gone, it would be the perfect time to hold a DA meeting. Unfortunately, they still hadn't had their first group meeting and Hermione didn't want to risk it with the multiple new members that had signed up. She'd just have to hope something would draw the Carrows away again in the future.

Hermione continued down the path to the greenhouses, lost in thought about the DA and following the last few class members mindlessly. As she past the smallest, unused greenhouse, she felt something grab hold of her robes and tug her back. She twisted abruptly, breaking free of the hold and turning to find no one behind her. Frowning, Hermione rubbed the back of her neck and stared at the unused greenhouse.

"Ginny?" she asked. It would be just like her friend to play such a trick on her in hopes of getting her attention. "Come on, Gin. That's not funny. I have a class to get to."

Ginny didn't respond, so Hermione groaned and hurried over to the greenhouse door. It was cracked which told Hermione someone was inside as Professor Sprout always left it firmly closed. With a sigh, Hermione lit her wand and stepped into the empty greenhouse, calling out for Ginny once more.

"It's not Weasley hiding here," a male voice said.

Hermione jumped and turned around quickly, holding up her wand so she could see who was now standing between her and the closing door. The door latched as Hermione held back a gasp, staring up at Graham Montague's face. Behind him were three other faces, though she couldn't make them out in the dim light.

"Let me out, Montague," Hermione demanded, glancing nervously at the door. "We have Herbology and people will notice if we're missing."

"On the contrary, actually," Montague hummed, stepping forward. In the dark, he spelled Hermione's wand out of her hand before she could see him move. "I think they might appreciate the cleaner learning environment."

"Har har," Hermione snapped, grabbing hold of her book bag strap. "Can I please go now?"

"I'll let you know when you can go," Montague snarled. Hermione moved her head as he spit at her. "Filth."

One of the faces behind Montague moved and suddenly there was a sharp pain in her stomach. She curled over just as another foot came in contact with her ribs. Two more hits to her abdomen and she was on the ground, trying to fend off the attacks that she couldn't see. Montague stood above her, his wand illuminating his face but not helping her see around the greenhouse.

"We thought you'd appreciate a muggle beating more than a wizard duel," Montague chuckled. Someone's heel collided with her shoulder and she cried out in pain. "Does it feel like home? Curled up on the ground, weak and pathetic? It's where you belong, mudblood."

By now, Hermione couldn't track where the different kicks were coming from. All she knew was that her body hurt and there seemed to be blood running down her face. Montague shifted slightly and a second later, a steel toed boot collided with her forehead. Hermione yelled loudly and brought one of her hands up to her forehead. Her fingers came away sticky with blood she couldn't see and she felt a sob escape her lips.

Montague crouched down in front of her and the others stopped kicking her for a moment. She avoided Montague's gaze as he pouted mockingly in front of her. The other boys with him laughed when she let out another, quieter cry.

"You're not safe here," he cooed patronizingly. He reached out with one hand and tangled his fingers painfully into her hair, jerking her head around until she looked at him. "This is just the beginning, mudblood. Don't think Malfoy can protect you from what I have planned for you. By the end of the term, you'll be wishing you'd dropped out like Potter."

Montague let go of her abruptly, pushing her away from him as he got back to his feet. Around her, the boys laughed as she tried to curl up tighter and stop herself from crying. The door to the greenhouse opened and Montague slipped out, still laughing to himself as the other three boys followed him out. Before the greenhouse door could fully shut, Hermione made eye contact with Blaise from across the path. She jumped when the door slammed shut and jumped again when it opened.

"Hey, it's just me," a voice said. She looked up to see Blaise looking at her worriedly and holding his wand up to light the room. "Are you okay?" he asked. He was frowning at her in a way that told her he clearly didn't think she was, so she shook her head and wiped the blood away from her nose.

"I can't find my wand," she whispered. Blaise nodded and scooted away from her to search for her wand. When he found it, he handed it back to her and waited as she stuffed it into her robes and shakily stood up. "Thank you," she said, reaching for the door to go to Herbology.

"You're not going to class like that, Hermione," Blaise told her. She frowned but Blaise shook his head. "I should really take you to Madam Pomfrey, but I know you'll refuse so I'll settle for your dorm. If anyone asks, I'll tell them you're sick, okay?"

Hermione considered it for a moment before agreeing. It hurt to breathe after so many hits to her abdomen and her head was throbbing. Going to class in this state wouldn't help anything, so she agreed to let Blaise walk her up to her dorm and promised to stay there until dinner.

"Draco should be back by morning," he muttered.

Hermione nodded and thanked him. He just gave her a tight smile before turning and leaving the dorm. As soon as he'd left, Hermione went upstairs to her bathroom and attempted to clean her face up. The last thing she needed was to parade around the school with a cut forehead and bloody nose.

The End's IntentWhere stories live. Discover now