Chapter 19

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Hermione kept her word to Draco. She stayed in the dorm and never left. There was really no need as most everyone had gone home for the holiday and the halls of Hogwarts weren't safe for anyone. Even with the Carrows supposedly gone, Hermione didn't trust them anymore.

She wrote to Ginny often, using their own code to ask about the Order and her family. No one had heard from Harry or Ron since they'd left and while Hermione was worried, she knew this was the safest option. As badly as she wanted to write them, she didn't dare risk it in case the owl was tracked and they were discovered.

Unfortunately, she found she had to break her promises when early one morning, an owl delivered a letter from Harry asking for her help. It was two days after Christmas and she still had a week of holiday break. She could easily assist them with a Horcrux and be back before classes resumed.

As she stuffed clothes and supplies into a bag, parts of Harry's letter flashed through her mind.

We're so close to done now, Hermione. I'm pretty sure there's only one or two more, but we're at a loss and could really use your help.

Ron would be stopping by the Burrow at precisely noon that day. He'd leave after a minute but if she wanted to join them, she was welcome too. While she had an hour to get there, she'd have to walk almost half an hour into Hogsmeade before she could safely apparate. And that was assuming she didn't run into trouble between here and there.

With her wand in hand and a disillusionment charm cast on herself, she walked as calmly as she could from the Head's dormitory out of the castle. The professors would all be busy with their own tasks, but Hermione couldn't trust them to not pose a problem if she was spotted.

Luckily, she made it all the way out of Hogwarts without a problem. It took everything in her not to sprint to Hogsmeade and even then, she kept up an awkward bit of a walk-jog. She absolutely would not miss her chance to meet up with Ron and join them on their hunt and time was running out.

Rosmerta called out to her as she passed, but Hermione could hardly be bothered to wave. She almost asked to use her Floo, but she knew they were being heavily monitored. If the Ministry found out she was leaving Hogwarts after electing to stay the full break, they'd certainly wrangle her in and take her in for questioning.

When she finally reached the apparation line, panting and heart racing, she had five minutes before Ron would arrive at the Burrow. She took a deep breath and focused on the Burrow before raising her wand and apparating away.

"Oh my!"

Hermione jumped as Molly dropped a pan in shock. The only others in the house were Ginny, Arthur, and the twins. When they realised it was Hermione who had appeared in their house, they all rushed to hug her.

"What are you doing here?" Ginny asked as they all stepped away. "I thought you were staying at Hogwarts."

"I was—I am," she said quickly, glancing at a clock. Four minutes. "Harry and Ron need my help and Ron is apparating here at noon. I'll be back when classes start, but I need to join them."

"Ron's coming here?" Molly exclaimed, looking close to tears at the thought. Hermione nodded.

"Only for a minute," she said, feeling bad that Ron would be rushed away from his family. "It's dangerous for them, you see, and I'm surprised they even sent an owl. They're so close to finding the last—"

A loud pop interrupted her and they all turned to see Ron who was two minutes early. The room was silent for only a second before everyone was rushing to hug him tightly. He laughed at them all and Molly cried, hugging Ron the longest.

The End's IntentWhere stories live. Discover now