Chapter 24

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Aside from breaking into Gringotts, Horcrux hunting was almost fun. Hermione could really go for a shower, but they were so close to the end now that she almost didn't care. With the Hufflepuff Horcrux destroyed, all that remained was Ravenclaw's diadem. If it really was that easy, then they needed to inform the Order it was almost time to fight. Of course, they'd been fighting this whole time, but they'd need a battle with the Dark Lord himself if they wanted a chance to kill Voldemort.

"We should all return to Hogwarts," Harry said as they sat around a fire. They'd taken a day or two to rest up after as Hermione's arm ached and she was still tired, but they needed to move quickly.

"How are we supposed to get in?" Hermione asked. They were well past the start of classes and if she and Draco returned now, they'd be arrested on sight for sure.

"Dumbledore said Rosmerta could help us," Harry said quietly. Hermione wanted to ask how he could be sure, but it was quite clear he didn't want to talk about it. Clearing his throat, Harry said, "Either way, getting into Hogsmeade will be dangerous. We should probably all go together instead of breaking apart."

"There are Death Eaters patrolling the village now," Draco told them, another new arrangement since the holiday. "And anti-apparation wards extending more than a kilometer each direction."

"We'll need to hide," Hermione said. Draco nodded. "I'm sure a disillusionment spell or Notice Me Not charm should do the trick."

"It should," Draco confirmed.

With them all in agreement, they changed the subject and talked until late into the night. Hermione didn't even realise she'd fallen asleep until she woke up in the middle of the night with Draco's arm around her and a dying fire. She sighed contentedly and curled closer to Draco before falling asleep again.

* * * * *

When they apparated outside of Hogsmeade, Hermione was bubbling with nervous energy. They had decided before apparating that Harry and Ron would go through Hogsmeade first and an hour later, Hermione and Draco would follow. It was difficult to wait the full hour before they could follow Harry and Ron, but Hermione and Draco managed to kill the time.

As soon as they had apparated to the spot outside of Hogsmeade, Draco grabbed Hermione's hand tightly and pulled her to his side. Hermione tucked herself snuggly under his arm as they began the long walk to Hogsmeade.

"He's planning something," Draco muttered. He clenched his fist and Hermione knew his mark was burning. "It burns more often."

"How often?" she asked. Draco shrugged and fisted his hand tightly until the burning disappeared.

"One or two times every day?" he guessed. Hermione sucked in a breath and his arm around her tightened. That was certainly more often than usual, but there was no way to find out what Voldemort was planning since Draco had stopped responding to the call after joining her, Harry, and Ron.

The rest of the walk was in relative silence. The closer they got to Hogsmeade, the tenser Draco was beside her. She knew he could hear and smell things further ahead that she could not and knew that would provide them with an advantage. While Harry and Ron had to rely on each other to sense any abnormalities, she could trust Draco to sense them before they were much of a threat.

As soon as they entered the village, Hermione couldn't relax. She'd thought walking there would be the most unnerving, but she was wrong. The streets were almost entirely empty aside from a homeless wizard here or there and a couple of Death Eaters. She could almost feel stares following them as they walked toward the Hog's Head. When Draco pulled open the door, she couldn't help but dart inside away from the discomfort of the street and into the safety of the Hog's Head.

The End's IntentWhere stories live. Discover now