Chapter 18

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The days continued on at an almost dreadfully slow pace. The Carrows bullied the students in classes and Draco broke several quills in frustration, but nothing changed. He was aware of eyes following him more often now. Montague and Pucey were usually right around the corner, but Hermione hexed them bad enough one evening they kept their distance. Usually, Draco would have been proud of her for something like that and glad for the distance, but he was wary it meant she'd just made herself a larger target.

Despite knowing about the DA now, Draco couldn't help in any way. Hermione said she'd told Ginny and she had not reacted as well as expected. The two hadn't spoken for two days and even after that, Ginny felt uncomfortable including Draco in the lessons. So while Hermione left on Saturdays to teach kids how to defend themselves for an upcoming war, Draco asked his mother for advanced spell books to share with Hermione.

On his second full moon, Draco slept the entire day after. He'd been summoned by the Dark Lord two hours before the full moon and knew it wasn't a coincidence. Thanks to the Wolfsbane potion Hermione had brewed and encouraged him to take the week prior, he was in a stable mind during the attack. He refused to talk about it afterward though.

The Death Eaters were called away more and more frequently and Draco found it hard to not participate.

One day, the Dark Lord tasked him to torture a half-blood wizard who had attempted to foil a raid. As Draco had been the one to uncover him (on accident), he'd been granted the privilege of torturing the poor man. He couldn't sleep for days after and even though he hardly told Hermione what had happened, she seemed to understand.

When Christmas break finally came up, Draco was dreading it. The full moon would happen the day after break began, but he was being forced to return to the Manor. Hermione was planning on remaining at Hogwarts and swore she'd be okay. It was safer for her there than anywhere else.

"Hardly anyone is staying at the castle," Hermione said, wearing Draco's quidditch jersey the morning he had to leave. "I'll stay in the dorm and keep in touch with Professor McGonagall."

"Write to me if anything happens, okay?" Draco said. His wolf was angry at him for even considering leaving, but he knew he had to. If he didn't, the Dark Lord was sure to punish him for disobedience.

"Okay," Hermione said with a nod.

Draco wrapped his arms around her tightly and kissed her firmly. He cupped her face gently, savoring the taste of her lips and the feel of her pressed up against him. It would be over two weeks before he saw her again.

"Go," she whispered when he pulled away.

Draco nodded and pressed a kiss to her forehead before levitating his trunk and hurrying out of the dorm. If he stopped to think, he'd surely rush back into the dorm and never leave. Unfortunately, he managed to walk all the way to the train without stopping and soon found himself on the trip back home.

As expected, no one greeted him at King's Cross Station. He wasn't upset by it though and quickly apparated to just outside the Manor gates. The ley lines would have allowed him to apparate to the doorstep, but he wanted to take the walk before he would see his parents.

Aunt Bellatrix was the one who answered the door when he knocked, much to his horror.

"Draco!" she cooed, holding out her arms.

Draco stepped forward and hugged her shortly, closing the front door behind him. Aunt Bella looped her arm through his and led him further into the house.

"I knew you'd be back for the holidays. The Dark Lord has many wondrous plans you're sure to enjoy."

"Naturally," Draco replied. He kissed her cheek and said, "Forgive me, but I must unpack and wash up. I will see you shortly."

He separated from her to hurry up to his room, hardly remembering not to let the door slam. As soon as he was safe in his room, he locked the door securely and let his trunk fall to the ground. In a rushed fit, he pulled off his robes and stumbled into the washroom where Dilly had already drawn him a bath.

The water was still scalding hot when he slipped into the tub and while he hissed, he enjoyed the feeling. He took his time washing, wondering who else would be joining them for dinner aside from Aunt Bella and—inevitably—Uncle Rabastan. Why he thought he wouldn't encounter them, he wasn't sure. They always visited for the holidays and with the Dark Lord regularly taking up residence at the manor, it really should not have been a surprise.

When Draco finally did clamber out of the tub, his fingers were pruny and he could smell dinner cooking. He took his time dressing and styling his hair before slowing walking down the stairs to find his parents. His mother would certainly not be in the west wing as that was where the Dark Lord now stayed, so he wandered into the library and was thrilled to find her sitting in her usual seat.

At the sound of the door opening, she looked up sharply. She smiled at Draco and stood up to greet him, pressing warm kisses to his cheeks and hugging him.

"Bella said you'd arrived," she said, stepping back to look him over.

"I apologise for the delay," he said. His mother gave him a knowing look and he nodded. "Where's father? His study?"

"As always," his mother replied. Draco made a mental note to avoid that area of the house in order to put off seeing his father as long as possible. "Your father—He said something about you and—Well, I can't say I'm not worried, Draco. I heard there were werewolves at Hogwarts."

It was then Draco realised he'd never told his mother what had happened. Of course, he hadn't told anyone really, but it made sense his father knew.

"Yes," he said softly, kissing her hand to reassure her. "I'm afraid I may have upset the Dark Lord greatly and paid the price."

His mother gasped and clutched his hand. Gingerly, she stepped forward and brushed his cheek softly with her cool fingers. Draco resisted the urge to lean into her comforting touch.

"Oh, my dear Draco," she whispered. Draco closed his eyes for a moment, allowing himself to feel upset as well before remembering his place.

"I've been alright," he assured her. With Death Eaters roaming the halls and ears everywhere, he couldn't tell her Hermione had been brewing him a Wolfsbane potion. "I'm alright at Hogwarts."

"Good," she said. She pulled her hand away from his face and smiled warmly at him. "You haven't written much."

"The Dark Lord and my studies have been keeping me busy, though I do wish I could write more often," Draco told her. She nodded and rested her hand on the crook of his elbow as he led her out of the library. "I'm here now, though. I will talk to you whenever you wish."

"Perfect," his mother said happily. She dropped her head onto his shoulder for just a moment then steered him toward the garden. "I want to show you my garden. It's grown so much since you've last seen it."

Draco just smiled and allowed her to walk him through the garden, listening as she spoke about her week and how she often worried about him and his father. The garden still wasn't a safe place to talk, but it was more comfortable to be in than the manor and Draco appreciated the change of scenery. However, as he smelled a rose his mother swore would never die, he couldn't help but think back to Hermione at Hogwarts.

The End's IntentWhere stories live. Discover now