Chapter 3

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A/N: oh what's this? long chapter?,,,, ok so I thought I should mention that in this AU, the sides all live in one big house in Thomas' mindscape. The house has a big kitchen and dining room in the center, which is what separates the Light and Dark sides. There is an entrance to the imagination on both sides, but the one on the Light side is closer to Roman's castle and the one on the Dark side is closer to Remus' castle. The sides all have specific jobs that they do that relate to Thomas, and its considered their "work." Another note is that Anxiety/Virgil is the only side that the Light sides don't know the name of. Also, this isn't too critical to the story just yet, but I should mention that when Thomas was younger there was no such thing as Dark and Light sides until something happened to change that.

TW: mention/description of injury, slight mention of blood, they a lil bit gay tho ngl, brief mention of killing

Logic/Logan's POV

I had just finished eating my breakfast of toast with Crofter's and immediately made my way to start my work for the day. I placed my plate in the dish rack after washing it and walked purposefully back to my room with my iced coffee.

I sat down at my desk and looked over Thomas' past, future, and present plans as well as his daily schedule and routine. I took a sip of my iced coffee and frowned when I noticed he was once again having difficulties sleeping. 

This is concerning. He was fine just a day or two ago, so I thought the problem had been resolved.

I placed down my drink and stood from my desk, deciding to seek out Remy since he likely knew the reason for Thomas' current sleeping problem.

I strode down the hallway and across the kitchen area to the Dark side where I had last seen Remy walk off to. Just as I turned the corner, however, I felt my heart jump in my chest when I saw Anxiety in a bleeding heap on the floor. In that moment I brushed off my plans to find Remy and rushed to Anxiety's side.

He's injured badly. If I don't hurry, he'll be sent to the subconscious to heal for who knows how long.

Carefully I began removing his jacket and saw him visibly flinch in his unconscious state. On one of his arms the blood had soaked all the way through and I needed to get his jacket off. After cautiously and slowly sliding off his jacket, I tensed up at seeing all of his injuries. Looking at his arms I felt myself grow cold as I saw how many old scars were mixed along with the new ones. My heart ached for him, and I froze for a second when I realized this. 

Logan, stop. You represent Logic. Logic is not influenced by emotion. You aren't helping him because of your emotions, you're helping him so he doesn't have to go the subconscious.

(quick A/N: just so that no one is confused, the subconscious is the place where the sides go if they are injured for a certain amount of time or if they get killed. If they are injured they don't go there automatically, it takes a while for them to get sent there. If they are killed they get sent there automatically. Depending on the severity of the injury, they can stay there for as long as a week. No one knows how long you stay there if you are killed yet because a side has never been killed before, and no one knows if you will even come back..)

I shook my head slightly to clear my thoughts. I had to focus and get him to a more comfortable setting in order to quickly treat his wounds. I knelt beside the slightly smaller trait and slipped one arm slowly under his neck and the other under his knees. I rose from the ground and made my way back to my room with him. 

Ignoring the blood, I placed him down on my bed after moving my blanket over. I snapped my fingers to summon bandages, ointment, hydrogen peroxide, wet wipes, and stitching. I immediately got to work, wincing apologetically whenever he would flinch in his sleep, and quickly and carefully tended to his wounds.

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