Chapter 8

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A/N: This is just some art i did because fuck it: gay.  (don't use my art without asking please)

  (don't use my art without asking please)

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Virgil's POV

I opened my eyes, squinting as they adjusted to the light from my bed-side lamp. After letting out an exhausted yawn, I slowly pushed myself up from my bed.

Wait. My bed??? How did I get to my room?!

Now that I was fully awake, I quickly checked my surroundings and saw that I was entirely alone in my room. Logan or Patton must've brought me here. I just hoped being in my room didn't hurt them.

Swinging my legs over the side of my bed, I carefully stood up so I didn't hurt myself. I took a few shaky steps forward before I was able to get used to walking. I slowly limped over to my door and was just about to turn the knob when I could hear voices in the hallway and I immediately froze in my spot. If it was Janus or Remus I was safer just staying locked in my room.

With a nervous intake of air, I pressed my ear to the door and listened carefully so I could hear what was being said.

"Actually, Janus, I have quite a few questions for you." Said a voice that I was certain sounded like Logan.

"Oh? And what would they be?" I heard Janus reply.

"First of all, why the hell did Anxiety have a major panic attack when we managed to summon him after we had been trying for hours?"

I held my breath in anticipation, somewhat nervous with how this conversation seemed to be going.

"Are you accusing me of something, Logan?" Janus asked with a hint of malice that I hoped Logan picked up on.

There was a moment of silence before I heard Logan reply, "Not at the moment, unless you think I have a reason to be. In that case, by all means take my questioning as an accusation."

A chill went down my spine when I heard Janus hiss angrily at Logan. I could tell Janus was running thin on patience.

What if he hurts Logan?! I can't-- But what if-- Ugh!

Waves of anxiety course through my body as I place my hand on the door knob and turn it slowly, pulling my door open. I turn to the right to look down the hall where Janus' room is and catch my breath in my throat right as I see him lunge at Logan with his fangs.

"S-Stop!" I yell loudly, surprising myself with my outburst.

Logan freezes and Janus immediately whips his head to his left, glaring daggers at me. Both sides stop their actions and there's a tense moment of silence in the hallway as the three of us remain silently standing in place. The silence is broken only by a door slamming open from the space in between us, followed by Remus stepping out of his room with a crazy grin plastered on his face. (Remus' room is between Janus and Virgil's).

I glance over at Logan for a second and I can tell he's analyzing the situation with the way his eyes dart between all of us. Janus was busy staring a hole into the side of my head with his menacing glare. Remus casually takes a few more steps out of his room, his grin not leaving his face. "Well isn't this interesting," he says finally.

"I couldn't help but hear a little stormcloud being extra loud today," Remus continues, snapping his head sharply in my direction, causing me to lightly flinch.

"Remus, be a dear and take Virgil somewhere else, would you?" Janus asked, trying to get me out of the way.

"Gladly," Remus said with a cackle as he approached me.


I immediately backed up into my room and slammed the door shut, grabbing the lock to keep him out. Before I could turn the lock, the door knob turned harshly and Remus began pushing against the door to get inside.


I pressed my full body wait against the door as I was fully in a state of panic. I knew Remus was physically stronger than I was, and heavier, so it was only a matter of time before he shoved the door open.

(A/N: y'all ever get mad at the characters in your own stories when your the one who made them that way 👁👄👁 like bitch, leave him tf alone before i cut you damn)

And Logan was seeing all of this! How fucking embarrassing. Now he'll see what a damn pushover I am, more than he already has. I can't even defend myself against another side. What a joke.

I was suddenly broken out of my thoughts when the door was flung inwards, sending me to the ground on my back. Before I could react I was grabbed by the collar of my shirt and pulled up from the floor. Remus dragged me up and put his face an inch from mine, his putrid breath clogging my sense of smell.

I mean seriously what does this guy eat, holy shit. His breath smells like a fucking corpse is rotting in his mouth.

I attempted to struggle in his grasp but he harshly grabbed my face and forced me to look him in the eyes. "What's the matter, V? Scared of a bit of fun?"

I froze for a second, unsure of what my next move should be. I could use my anxiety on him, but I wouldn't be surprised if he just laughed it off. I hate using it anyways, it just makes me feel more like a useless disorder. I could attack him with my fangs but I've done that before and he fucking liked it.

Running out of ideas, I panicked and spit at his face, hoping I could catch him off guard. He then wordlessly threw me to the ground and looked down at me with cold eyes, not his usual crazy ones. Looking me dead in the eyes, he licked his face clean and smiled eerily.

Um ew...

"You're gonna regret that you little shit." He summoned his morning star and raised it up over me. I blocked my face with my hands, waiting for the inevitable impact. However, a few seconds had passed and nothing happened.

I dared to open my eyes and saw Remus staining to bring the weapon down from over his head. It was as if the weapon was frozen midair.

"That is quite enough."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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