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Gon had arranged another meeting with the squad and of course, Killua refused to go– especially after what happened last time with Kurapika. However, after at least thirty minutes of y/n's desperate whines, he conceded (and he couldn't resist y/n's pouty face anyway).

"Wow, it's like you guys live together now!" Gon beamed up, his eyes clearly showing signs of excitement. "Like a married couple!"

Oh, how Killua wished he didn't agree to come.

"Well– I do admit that he has been acting like a husband these days," y/n sneered.

Killua couldn't help but flinch at the blunt statement because what the hell were they thinking to say such thing so casually?

Leorio rose an eyebrow to y/n's response, a smirk glued to his face. While Kurapika may have showed little to no interest at all, he felt his ears perk up– eager to hear more– and Gon looked like he was about to scream.

Killua's shoulders slumped in embarrassment, his head laid low in attempt to hide his cheeks. Nobody dared to point out the faded colour of velvet by the tip of his ears that were visible to the eye.

"Well– because y/n's my soulmate!" Killua defended. "Of course I had to be nice to them!"

y/n's lips curved into a half hearted smile.

Killua had lost to a bet with Gon.

This resulted to Killua being forced to buy fish shaped bread for Gon. While the two boys were at the distance, debating on whether chocolate or red bean is better, Kurapika and y/n rested on a bench just by the street.

Just like last time, Leorio had gotten home earlier again due to work again and Kurapika should go home as well, but he thought a few more minutes wouldn't hurt.

Besides, he wanted to talk to y/n.

"He didn't do anything to you right?" Kurapika asked out of concern. "If he does, you better tell me and I'll teach him a lesson."

y/n released a chuckle before they shook their head. "Killua– he's been really nice to me. I doubt he would do anything that I find uncomfortable, he knows his boundaries."

"That's good to hear then," Kurapika lets out a sigh of relief. "I'm really grateful you're here, y/n."


"Killua, he-" Kurapika sighed once again. "When we first met him, he was like a wall of bricks. It was hard to get him to open up about his problems, he was really stubborn and he was just– a mess."

y/n nodded their head, signaling Kurapika to continue.

"But ever since you came, he has been better. Maybe there's not much improvement but I can see that he's happier– now that he has found a soulmate, someone he can trust. It seems that he has loosen up a little."

"Ah, really?"

"Yes, really. Even Gon noticed. I admit that Killua has a lot of flaws in him but I hope you'll overlook them and take care of him."

y/n's eyes averted to Killua's figure, a cloud of warmth bubbling up in their chest.

"I promise."

a/n: omg a longer chapter wEEWOO, i hope you guys will enjoy the fluff in the next few chapters until something happens 🤩🤟

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