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Jess cried out as she gripped Tobi's hand , the boys waiting outside as Manny and Tobi were in the room. "Come on , she's going to be here soon. Come on , baby , you can do it." Tobi mumbled into the girls ear as he brushed the girls hair out of the girls sweaty head , the girl letting out a cry in response.

"It's hurts , Tobi. It really hurts," the girl cried as she stared up at the boy , tears running down her cheeks. Tobi leant down , kissing the girls forehead , "I know , but you gotta do this , mouri will be here soon baby." The boy mumbled before coaxing the girl to push.

The baby soon came , Jess unable to move with how much it was hurting her. "Could you boys wait outside a second , we just got to look over Jessica." The boys were pushed out of the room , the baby staying in Tobi's arms as the doors were shut. The sidemen boys were too intrigued with the baby to realise the mother's heart moniter began to rise.

Tobi looked into the room from the window , seeing the nurses and doctors crowd around the girl , the baby crying in his arms. He began rocking the baby , shushing it before asking the doctors who rushed into the room , "what's going on?" One of the doctors stood , turning to the boy speaking, "she's lost a lot of blood , we need to get her stable." And with that the doctor closed the door.

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