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The sun started setting as the outside of the store was surrounded by darkness "I told you my part of the story.... but you didn't tell me yours !" Eiji mumbles watching you fill some shelves

"my story ?" You raised a brow

"why did you choose this place...of all places you can work at ?" He nodded resting his chin on his hand

" reputation was a little faster than my job applications" you gave a weak smile "guess know one wanted to hire someone who fights with customers" you added

"From what I saw you're a total sweethearts" Eiji slightly shakes his head ,tugging your hair behind your ear with a weak smile for his complement

"besides....I don't have a noble cause like you...I just want to pay the rent !" You laughed softly "and maybe be able to help Amy out" adding as your eyes reflected sadness

"who's Amy ? Your lover ?" He seemed so intrigued to know

A customer stands in front of the cashier waiting to pay, getting up you walked towards Eiji who stayed behind the cashier doing nothing

"l-lover ?? Nah~ she's my best friend" you laughed waving your hands

"so you're single ?" He asked with a smile

"I-i am" your cheeks took on a rosy tint

"since you work on the afternoon shift, what do you do in the morning ?" He asked

"usually take care of the laundry and clean the house a little...I don't go out much, I like being home" your lips tugged slightly

"then~ how about we grab breakfast once in a while ?" He suggests smiling

"I wouldn't mind" nodding with a smile you mumbled before scanning the remaining customers items

"great" he gave a wide smile "I'll be right back" tapping your shoulder he walked towards the staff room ,probably heading for the bathroom

"Good evening" greeting a customer who skipped his way straight into the bread aisle ...squatting down "eh !....umm! Sir ?" You mumbled scratching your cheek

"ssshhh!" He hushed you , standing there puzzled when

"I SAW HIM WALK IN HERE !!" A few guys dashed into the store ,their voices boomed loudly drawing your attention

"look for him !" A young male walks in clearly pissed ,anger showing in his face

"um ! Sir you can't go in there !" You leaned over the counter when one of them walked into the staff room

"RAY !! THERE HE IS !!" The guy pulled him before landing a harsh punch on his face before the others joined in beating the crap out of the hiding male

"Sir !!!" Your voice totally concealed by the coughing ,kicking, and punching that was happening behind the aisles

"WHERE IS THE MONEY !" Ray held the guy by the collar

"I-I'm going to give it to you tomorrow...I swear !" The guy begged as the black haired male towered him

"you don't fucking sell if there's no money !! What the hell am I supposed to do with the shortage I'm facing right now !! Huh ?!" His fists punishes the guy's face over and over again, blood smearing on the white tiles of the store ,as the guy was being tossed around he slammed into shelves making everything that was once organized and neat into a huge mess on the floor

"HEY ! ASSHOLE !!" You finally yelled gaining their attention, everyone seemed shocked hearing a strong voice burst from a small figure ,light green eyes shot your way as goosebumps formed all over your body

Yandere X Reader... Dark story |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now