Ch.26 Eiji (Final)

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"Guess I have no other-..." your voice got stuck in your throat meeting ocean blue eyes ,her raven hair swayed with the cold wind

"y/n !!" Her trembling lips whispered softly, her legs darted towards the stairscase ,ignoring the scrape she got tripping over her own feet ,reaching for the door handle she gave it a few pulls


"PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR" she cried strongly knocking on the wooden door almost trying to break it !

Shaky legs skipped towards the door handle holding it tightly "I know you're mad at me ! But please let me see you" Amy begged giving the door a few desperate knocks

"why are you here ?" You mumbled low

"I'm sure you hate me right now, but let me explain ! Open the door y/n"

Hesitantly your fingers pressed on the numbers 4642...


The green flickered allowing the door to open "I...I don't hate you" you pulled on the door seeing Amy stand in front of you

the moment her eyes landed on you she wrapped her arms around you, burying her face into your shoulder "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry" her salty tears rolled down her red cheeks "don't disappear like that ever again, you gave me a fright" she added clinging on to your smaller body

your grip tightened on her back you missed her touch so much even if it was for a few days

"How did you know I was here ?" You questioned allowing her in

"I thought something was off with Eiji, he suddenly cut me off and wouldn't answer my calls ...I was worried he would be going through something because you disappeared suddenly" she brushed her hair back taking a glance at your face "so when I came by yesterday I was surprised that he got mad at me for showing up, it's like he didn't want to be my friend anymore"

"I didn't know you two where friends ?" You raised a brow with a half smile

"we did talk a lot ,i told him almost everything I know about you ...we just had something in common" she mumbled low with pink cheeks "but that's not the point ...let's go back home ,you've been staying here because I wasn't around right ?" She held your hands on hers

"but the apartment is a wreck!" Biting your lips you murmured

"what ? no it's not ! I was just there... it's perfectly fine" she shake her head puzzled by your assumption

"but Eiji said ... Ray wants to hurt me... it's not safe, I can't leave" taking a step back further into the small apartment

"you mean the black haired jerk ? Yes He did come looking for you ...but he was more worried about you, he even sent out people looking for you" she mumbled

"no you're wrong ... he is dangerous and you don't care about me at all, left me behind remember ? why should I trust any of you?" Teary eyes stared at Amy

"w-what are you talking about ? Who's been telling you all those lies ?" Her brows tugged following you

"Well~ that would be me" his husky voice whispered in her ear

"Eiji !!" Her body jerked back staring into deep dark caramel orbs "w-why are you here ? Aren't you supposed to be at work ?" Amy stutter, her heart beating fast holding your hand tightly in hers

"I got a notification that the door was unlocked... so I only assumed my sweetheart tried to leave" he smiled holding his phone in hand "but I was wrong ! y/n would never do that do me ? Right ? You promised to stay by my side" He whispers softly hugging you close

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