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The sunlight pass through the glass doors filtering it by discount posters taped up on the clear material, they slide open allowing you to walk in

"Good afternoon sir" you smiled towards the old man passing his office

"hello Y/N ! Where are you going ?...Wait !! Tell me...H-How was your date yesterday with Mister Ray ?" He asks intrigued

"Date ?? Mister ? The hell ?....ah I m-mean , it was Hor...fine ?" your brows tugged while confusion showed in your voice

"whenever you want to take a break you can tell me okay ?" He arranged the pile of paper ,shoving them into the wooden drawer

"s-sure ?!" Raising a brow confused you nodded before heading into the staff room

"hi Eiji" waving to the young man ,sitting on the couch with a lunchbox in hand chewing on a piece of broccoli

"Y/N ?!! H-Hey !!" Chocking on a His vegetables he coughed

"you look like you've seen a ghost" you laughed placing your bag in an empty locker

"today's Tuesday !...why are you here ?" He wiped his mouth getting up

"Tuesday ?...aaauh !!" Getting your phone out checking the date, it was your day off!!

"damn it" you sighed scratching the back of your head

"you idiot !" He laughed ruffling your hair
"come on...go back home" he added taking out your bag from the locker pushing it softly into your chest

"since I'm here I'll just work overtime" you sighed "I wouldn't say no to some extra money" giving a wide grin you snickered

"Then why won't you work full time ?" Eiji doubted biting his nail

"I'd wish...but the manager said he doesn't need any help in the morning since he has you" You pouted tugging your hair behind your ear ,giving a weak smile towards the young male

"want me to talk to him ? I'm sure I can convince him" he gave a wide grin

"really ?! You'd be a life saver" you wrapped your arms around the tall male, burying your face into his chest ,tightly hugging him

"it's nothing really" he chuckles softly ,his fingers brushing your hair before resting on your shoulders

"what ?" Glancing up meeting his caramel orbs you smiled ,he scan every detail on your face, giving you a gentle smile

"nothing... it's just you look a little tired" he whispers

"not gonna lie ,I didn't sleep well...but I'll survive" you giggle

"you'll get sick like this" he raised a brow

"I won't I won't ~" you gave a wide smile

"I want you to do me a favor !" Eiji pinches your cheeks

"aw~ what is it ?" Your brows tug together at the faint pain

"go home and rest ! Okay ?" He chuckled

"I don't appreciate you kicking me out like that though" you puffed your cheeks before taking a step back ,gently feeling his warmth strip away from your body

"I swear~ you're just like a baby" he chuckles going back to his now cold lunch


Stepping into the empty apartment, you stretched out after kicking your shoes off "guess I have nothing else to do !" Walking into your bedroom you sinking down on the still messy bed

Yandere X Reader... Dark story |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now