Ch.28 Ray

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"Nick ? What do you want ?" Brushing his damp hair back Ray questioned

"I was just... wondering around" he smirks looking around him, you were no where to be found, you couldn't possibly face Ray like this !!

You bolted out of there to moment Nick released you from his seize

"And ?" Ray glared raising a brow

"I bumped into y/n" Nick gave a cunning grin

"W-What ??!" His eyes widened, as his breathing got stuck in his lungs

"she just left~" pointing to the direction of your room he snickers

"Fuck ! ...take care of this for me" biting his lips Ray cuss before pointing at the room he just came out from

"she still alive ?" Nick question with a chuckle

"barely" Ray sighed fixing his clothes and wiping the little blood splatter on his face with the back of his hand

"then ~you won't mind if have a little fun ?" Unbuckling his belt Nick laughs

"help yourself, but get rid of her once you're done" waving his hand Ray skipped to your room


Your fast steps were concealed by the carpet underneath your feet ,entering your room you locked the door

Leaning your back on the wooden door ,tears rolled down your pink cheeks as your knees grew weak crouching down "what did I fucking expect ? Why did I trust him just like that ?"

"...And now look at what he's done to you, he breaks your heart and you take him back like that ? Are you that desperate for love and appreciation" Eiji's words echoed clearly in your head remembering the fury he had in those caramel eyes

The door handle rattle for a minute before soft knocks were heard "y/n~ open up" his husky voice calls from behind the door

"no ! Leave me alone" your weak voice cried out just loud enough for him to hear

"don't be like that babe ... open the door" he sighed pulling on the door a few times

"NO ! I fucking hate you !" You yelled


The loud slam on the wooden door caused a few cracks to be heard "don't you dare say those words to me !" he raised his voice making you back away from the door "huh~ y/n ! I'm giving you one last chance... Open. The. fucking. Door" He threatens

Remaining silent was all you could do, this rough side of Ray was only seen once by you, on the day you two met

soft clinging of keys reached your ears before what seemed like a key was inserted into the lock, giving it a turn

The door slowly opens allowing the tall male to enter with a dark alarming aura "h-how did-..." taking a step back you mumbled

"it's my house after all" he smiled reaching out for your cheek

"Don't !!" Your hand slapped his away

His green eyes widened looking at his open palm lingering in the air, restraining his impulsive nature to strongly swing it back onto your face

"Let's talk" lowering his hand he brushes his fingers on your the back of your hand , taking a step closer to you

cornering you between his body and the bed behind you "talk ? Talk about what ? What you pulled is just disgusting Ray !" You yelled pushing on his chest which did not do a thing when comparing your different body proportions

Yandere X Reader... Dark story |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now