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"Huh~ it's boring today boss" you rested your hand on your cheek

"aren't you used to it by now" he laughed sitting next to you behind the counter reading the newspaper

"I guess you're right" glancing out of the glass door watching people and cars pass by

When a black car took a turn into the street the convenient store was on "shit" you sat up straight watching it pass by "huh~ it's just my imagination...I'm panicking over nothing" letting a deep sigh sensing your warm face with the back of your hand while cold sweat dripped down glazing your neck

Suddenly the sound of tires screeching filled the whole neighborhood as the black car came full speed in reverse into your field of vision in seconds, and to your luck it was the one and only ... Ray

A couple of guys followed behind him, the look of confusion plastered on their faces clear as a daylight ,The door rings as he stomps inside

"What the hell do you think you're doing !" His voice was very dark, it was something you've never heard before coming from him "do you have any idea how worried I was ?" Slamming the counter he added

"w-what are you doing here ?" You stuttered for a second then tried your best to pull a tough act

He sighed deeply squeezing his temple "wait outside" ordering the two guys with him the followed order in a matter of seconds

"Believe me it was not my plan to look all morning around the fucking neighborhood for're not answering your phone and you weren't even home, I had no idea if you even reached home safely last night" he growled low leaning in, inches away from you, his piercing green eyes shifted to your manager who was standing next to you, and without saying a word ,him too ,was gone with a snap of a finger

"I don't have anything to say to you, and I'm sure as hell didn't ask for a damn babysitter" crossing your arms you glared back"

"You can't just throw me out of your life like that ! What are you 10 ?" Clinching his fists he looks at you with slight sadness in his green eyes , but that was easily overwhelmed by the jittering boiling up inside of him

"Cheating is a red line Ray, even if I didn't say th-" you took a step back ,not noticing that your arms are now wrapped around your body as you slowly shrink away

"I TOLD YOU...." he yelled loudly, the men standing outside tensed up, their hand rested on their back pocket, ready to do whatever it takes to back up Ray

Your terrified eyes quick shifted to the two men standing outside ,seeing the fear in your eyes Ray gestures to them and they leave

"...huh~ it was work, what do you want me to do ?....Look at me what I'm talking" his lean fingers held your face gently yet firmly pulling you closer

"babe" he almost coaxed "just tell me what you want, and I'll do it" he was too close even the counter between you two failed to do it's main purpose as a protection wall

Your face heated up gaining a rosy tint on those cheeks "s-sharing" you tried to let the words out of you dry throat

"huh ?" Leaning back Ray was confused

"the b-bartender said I should learn to share... but I can't do that ,i-if you're a-are my boyfriend then no one else should..." biting your lips you were too flustered to even continue your sentence ,you couldn't even look at him in the eye

Blinking a couple of times, he lowered his head, covering his face with his hand
"h-heh...ahaha oh my god ....that's it ?! Jealousy took the best of you ?" Bursting in laughter Ray paced back and forth the convenient store

Yandere X Reader... Dark story |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now