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"We're here !" Eiji smiled stoping in front of your door, your eyes flutter open being awaken from your nap

"thanks..." gliding down from his back you stood on your feet, resting your forehead on the wooden door you loudly groan

"something wrong ?!" Eiji questioned "m-my keys are in my bag.....and the bag is in the locker" you mumbled

"how about you try knocking ?" He chuckles giving the door a few knocks

"no one is ho..." your sentence was cut short when the door swings open, seeing the familiar deep blue eyes of Amy's "shit don't scare me like that !!" She cups your cheeks in her palms

"A-A-Amy !!! W-what are you doing here ?! What about work ?!" Your eyes widened while you stutter

"fuck work" she hugged you ,burying your face into her shoulder

"sorry...I called her when you were sleeping, hope you don't mind !" Taking your phone out of his pocket he returns it with a smile

"don't go through my stuff" you pout taking it from him

"sorry sorry ! Desperate times calls for desperate measures" his fingers pulled on his earlobe giving you a nervous chuckle

"t-thanks again ...Amy , I'm gonna go lay down for a while" tapping her shoulder you mumbled "bye Eiji" you softly smiled dragging yourself down the small hallway towards the bedroom door

"She's gonna be okay, thanks for calling me" Amy gave him a reassuring smile when his uneasiness showed on his face

"you sure ? ...she looked...terrified" he sighed brushing his hair back, as a cold sweat rolled down his cheek

"umm...just for future reference, never hold her wrists out of the blue" pointing at her own Amy mumbled

"w-wrists ? w-why ?" He questioned "if she didn't tell you then I have no right to do so...goodbye Eiji" apologizing she pushed on the door, earning a click and she closed it

"bye" he whispers under his breath, taking a couple of steps away from the door.


"Here" Amy places a hot cup of herbal tea on your nightstand , she walked around the room almost closing the curtains, allowing the soft moonlight to seep in giving the room a blueish calming tint

"thanks Amy" laying on your back resting your head on the pillow you smiled

"better ?" She quietly sits on your bed next to you

"I can't believe I did that !! That's so embarrassing I wanna die" you whined loudly

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad !" She giggled laying down next to you

"I slapped Ray !!.....oh my god ! I slapped Ray !!" You shot up sitting "I should probably call him and apologize" tapping your pocket you pulled out your phone

" can call him later" she sits up taking your phone placing it on the nightstand before grabbing the cup "drink you tea" she smiled softly

Holding the cup in your hand finding the white flower floating peacefully on the surface "where did you get this !! It's too fancy" you laughed

A soft touch on your neck stiffened you , the glass cup wobbling in your hands "it's okay....relax" she whispers creasing behind your ear

"I can feel your're not relaxing" she chuckles

"sorry...I'm trying really !" You sighed brushing your thumb on the golden outline of the teacup

Yandere X Reader... Dark story |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now