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I shut the door behind me. I was standing in front of the mirror leaning up on the sink. The feeling when you have too many things to process so your head feels like it's going to explode started to take over the lead. My face was still burning from the amount of blood that rushed up to my cheeks. My breath was panting, and I could feel my heart wanting to crack open my chest and escape.

Holy shit. Is he-? Is he just fucking with me? I wish he was tho. No, no no. That's bad. This is bad. It's okay to say things like that about your celebrity crushes up until the moment you actually meet them Hazel. You can't and you won't do this. You are not just some weak whore who can't resist completely giving in to the person they like the most. Nah, you're stronger than that. But you definitely can't do this alone. Not this, not right now.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

I don't give a fuck.

I unlocked it, turned off flight mode. I selected Luna's contact and called her number.

"Luna, are you there?" I quietly yelled into the phone trying to avoid anybody overhearing me talking.

"Yes. Jesus aren't you supposed to be on your flight?"

"I am. I don't have much time but I really need to talk to you right now."

"What the-. You aren't supposed to have your phone out of flight mode." she sounded worried.

"I KNOW, but listen to me for like three minutes, will you?" I lost my temper.

"Okay, what is it?"

"So I get on the plane, find my seat, struggle to put my suitcase up, somebody pets my shoulder, I turn around. Guess who it is!"

"I don't know. One of your ex crushes from your "not-so-stable" era? Old classmate?"

"No. It was fucking George Miller."

"You- ? What? Are you-? Are you kidding me?"

"No I'm serious. It was him." I tried to keep my voice down but it was nearly impossible.

"You're just messing with me like you would when we were in high school. You fooled me once or twice but you aren't gonna fool me this time." She let out a laughter.

"No, dude, I am not kidding. It's him. And I don't know what to do like I think he's kind of flirting with me. I don't know, you know that I am not good at this at all."

"Haha, funny."

"You don't believe me, huh?"

"I really want to but you did this to me a couple of times so I know you're just messing with me. If you have proof I'm going to believe you."

"I can't prove it but-"

"That's right. Meet you at the airport. It was so unnecessary to risk everyone's life for this stupid joke." She spoke to me like I was an idiot.

"You'll see. You'll regret this so bad, you will cry yourself to sleep for two weeks." I smiled.

"If you say so. Bye Hazel." Luna hang up the phone.

Well I thought this would help, but it only made it worse.

I turned on flight mode again and put my phone away. I looked myself in the mirror once more. My face seemed to be less red. I let out a sigh.

As I was walking back to my seat I noticed he was texting on his phone. I guess he didn't give a fuck either. As I reached my place he immediately locked his phone. He looked up to me. My legs went all weak so I had to sit down as quickly as possible.

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