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Author's Note: I'm sorry that the last part turned out to be kinda cringe, I'm really bad at writing smutty things so I guess I'll ignore it in the future but at the same time I kinda just want it to happen? Idk we'll see.

"Where do we get our drinks?" I didn't see any bars or anything like that, and I also had never been in any kind of backstage before so I had no idea. I looked up to George.

"I mean we could probably join some of the guys if they know me." He shrugged his shoulders. "And I think they probably do, so let's go up to them, shall we?" He pulled my arm to indicate that he wanted to go.

"Wait, what?" I resisted. "So you're telling me that you can just... casually walk up to other musicians to get some booze or what?"

"Basically, yes. Yes we can do that. We can go up to them to get some alcohol into our system." He smiled shamelessly.

"Oookay. No. I'm not doing that. I know half of them and my social, plus fangirl anxiety is real bad. You can't even imagine. Like..." Deep down I knew there was no need to continue with this story but the whiskey made the words just slip off my tongue like the fucking skiers slide off of the mountains. "When I met one of my favourite artists, I'm not gonna name him for good reasons-"

"So it's a him, huh?"

"Yes, but that doesn't fucking matter. God, where was I? Oh, yes, so the point is. When I realised I had met them -it took 2 days by the way- I went home and had a hardcore panic attack. I cried for like an hour and couldn't breathe and shit. It doesn't work like that." I pointed at the group people, holding cups. My sight started to melt into this dim shade of dark blue and red.  I couldn't see them clearly. "I can't just go up to them, say hi, act normal, have a few drinks and pretend like it's all good while the 15-year-old fangirl is constantly wanting to escape my body." I noticed I was almost yelling at him at the end of my pointless monologue.

He looked as though he was really trying to hold back his laughter. His lips were pressed together and he had a weird grin on his face.

"It's okay. Ha-ha. You can laugh at me if you really want to I won't get mad but that's just how I am. I am so sorry." I even started laughing at my stupid thread.

He covered his mouth with his palm and crossed his other arm in from of his chest. "I'm sorry" He wiped off a tear.

"Nah, it's okay. I sounded so stupid. God why did I say that?" I buried my face into my hands.

"Nooo, it was cute."

"At least now you know what it was like for me to be 15. I'm glad I didn't get to go to your gig or something. Did you even do gigs back then? I don't think so. Thank god."

"When were you 15?" He seemed confused and little bit afraid.

I forgot that we haven't discussed my age yet. "In 2015. I'm 21. Don't worry I'm not underage or anything."

He sighed in relief.

"You thought I was underage?"

"To be honest I didn't really think of that."

"Wow, how naughty. You'd date an underage groupie?" I slightly punched him in the shoulder.

"First of all, who said we were dating, second of all you might be a groupie but not underage." He looked me up and down with a huge smirk on his face.

"You managed to offend me twice in a single sentence. Nice job Mr. Hollywood."

"So we do be playin' like this. Okay, okay, just please get offended, because I don't wanna let you win this one." He grabbed my hips.

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