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None of us could take their eyes off of each other, we just sat there in silence. The tip of my finger was burning from the touch of his hair. I think I really like hair. I think I like long hair on boys very much. Yes, that might be a fetish.

He threw back what was left in his glass without batting an eye. "Let's go somewhere!" Joji quickly stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me off of my chair.

"Wow, slow down prince." As I stood up I felt the alcohol kick in. Having no legs, that's how I would describe it. I barely could put one in front of the other.

"Oooo, is somebody getting a little bit drunk over here?" He turned his head back but kept walking forward.

"No, absolutely not!" I chuckled awkwardly. I knew I still had a few drinks left to become completely loose, but I was intoxicated for sure. "How many was it?" I frowned my forehead.

"Just three. We still have a lot to drink so be prepared."

"Okay, but why are we in a fucking rush? Where are we going?" I was trying my best to keep up with him.

He unexpectedly stopped. My movement control wasn't on its peak so I bumped into him. He grabbed my hip and turned me to face him. "If you could do anything you wanted, what would it be?"

Prolly pull you into the nearest tent I could find and f- "You mean right now?"

"Yes, right now."

"Literally anything?"


"I've always wanted to go backstage to get drunk and just have fun and shit. I've seen a lot of people do crazy stuff with the artists and it's become a bucket list thing for me. " I said what first came to my mind since we were at a freaking festival.

"Okay, let's go." By that time, I had gotten used to drunk-walking but I swear we were sprinting across the field.

"Joji, what the-" I stopped to catch my breath. "I should stop smoking." My lungs were burning.

"We both should." He was panting too. "Which is your favourite stage?"

"What kind of fucked up question is that?" I reached down to lean up on my knees.

"Just answer me."

"Depends-" I felt like I needed that oxygen tank that people with lung diseases carry around. "on the artists." I finally managed to finish my sentence.

"So where did the most of your favourites play so far?" He seemed impatient.

"Uhm, BBC Radio 1 I think."

He didn't say anything just kept on running. I flew after him like a flag in the wind.

"Joji, no. There's no way." I tried to protest but he payed no attention to me.

I saw a huge tent fully tucked with people listening to some kind of concert. It was impossible to not notice it. Instead of going inside from the front we made our way to the back. After a while my stupid drunk-ass brain managed to figure out what was happening. It was dark the only source of light was the colourful lighting of the stage. Everything merged into one another, I hardly could see or hear anything. I let every surrounding people, light and sound fade into one. It was like standing next to a pool and letting myself fall back to the water. The only thing I felt was Joji's gentle grip on my wrist. I knew I was safe. He didn't let go of my hand, not for a single second. There were a bunch of security guards standing in the entrance of the backstage.

"Joji, you can't be serious about this, don't-" Normally I would have freaked out more but thanks to the alcohol I was kind of enjoying the situation. I only protested because it seemed like the right thing to do.

"Hazel, what did you say to me like 5 minutes ago?" He asked absently. He was kind of drunk too.

"Backstage..." I reached out for his other hand.

"Backstage." He smiled. "Well, here we go!" He turned around and walked up to one of the security guards. I kept my distance, despite the alcohol I was still afraid of random big guys.

"Hazel! Come here!" He yelled over the noise of the concert.

I slowly walked up to him, careful not to look at the huge guys in the door.

Joji shook hands with two of the men, and immediately pulled me through the entrance. "I told you." A satisfied grin spread across his face.

"I forgot you are the man, the meme, the myth, the legend himself. My apologies sir, I'm truly grateful." My tone was drenched in sarcasm.

"I'm going to do many more things to you that you'll be grateful for." He wrapped his arm around my waist.

I swallowed whatever was gonna come out of me. 

Author's Note: I know this is kinda short (and gay) but school's started and I didn't have much time  to write, but I hope you likeeeeey.

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