Chapter 4- Friends

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Taehyung snapped at Jisoo when multiple times he tried to call her for explaining himself but she ignored.

Jisoo giving him a serious face stood infront of him hands crossed above her chest, giving him a wave of hand signalling him to continue.

"Look, we both have to live in the same house from now on." Jisoo remained silent and sat on the nearby sofa.

"Don't put on an irritated face, all the time. I am extremely sorry for what happened in the plane. I was just having some fun and seeing you all flustered I found myself enjoying, so I continued. I shouldn't have done that. But I didn't disrespected you right? So why are you acting this way."

Jisoo kept her mouth shut and just rolled her eyes not believing him. But one thing she knew that he is sincere by the way his eyes are saying. But kept her straight face, where Taehyung became exhausted, trying.

"Basically you know I am a good guy."

"Is it? I've seen it."

"I am telling you the truth. Look, I mean if you find me I am not worth of giving a second chance then I will not force you to talk with me, okay?"

"And how am I gonna find that?"

Jisoo's question made him think, and then he got an idea. He took an empty bowl and a coffee bean bottle, carrying to where Jisoo is sitting.

"You can ask me some random questions. I will answer everything, truthfully. Place this coffee bean in the empty bowl if you don't like my answer. Let me know you don't like after all your questions. I will change. Okay? Take it."

"Don't play such childish games with me."

"Hey! Try atleast once. It's not gonna harm you rather help you clear your mind from the shitty conceptions you have regarding me. Please, just try."

After thinking for seconds Jisoo came to accept Taehyung's proposal and took the coffee vessel into her hands.

"When did you came to New York for the first time for an interview?"

"I didn't come. It's a recommendation job."

Not satisfied by answer Jisoo took one coffee bean and placed in the empty bowl. Seeing that Taehyung started to correct him.

"I mean I don't have any interest to work here." Not fine with the answer she took another one and placed in the bowl.

"I mean I didn't like to come away from my place." She took another and threw it in the bowl.

"Okay? I mean I didn't like leaving my parents." She took another one and was going to throw it in that bowl but Taehyung took it from her gasp being irritated.

"Either you like it or not, I didn't really wanted to come over here. I came just for my mother and father. What else could I do? Do you have any idea how hard my dad tried in making me successful. He didn't spend any penny for his own personal pleasure but to satisfy my needs. So that I can study and later can lead a happy life. My mother is always so supportive towards everything I did or do. You should see how happy they were when they heard I got a affluent job. They didn't thought of themselves but insisted me to come here. So to see them happy I am here as you can see."

Jisoo took that bowl from Taehyung's hand and took the three coffee beans from it and placed it in the coffee can where it belongs, and stood up aiming to go to her room.

"Why are you leaving without giving an answer?"

"The answer is enough to excuse all the rest. Sorry accepted." She turned around and answered smiling towards Taehyung. She was happy to find out that Taehyung loves and care so much about his family. She is glad that he proved her wrong, thinking of him as a jackass.

"So... Friends?" Taehyung is so happy that he can't explain. Knowing that she thinks him to be a bad guy didn't settle him good and now clearing everything and seeing her smile and that cute smile directed towards him, an unknown relief settled in his heart.

"Just friends."

"Yes. Just friends."

After their little conversation, Jisoo thought to return back to her own room.

"And yeah Taehyung, no smoking inside the house. Smoke outside if needed."

"Fine, friend." She smiled and strolled to her room.


Jake and Blake is busy in their garage when they saw Taehyung smoking outside.

"Bro, that's him, your competition." Jake said nudging Blake.

"Hey! Boss." Blake called out attaining Taehyung's concentration towards them. Taehyung didn't knew who they were so approached them.

"Is it you who moved in Jisoo's house?"

"Yes. Any problem?"

"Blake here, is in love with Jisoo for two years. So, you can't create a rift between them now." Jake explained.

Taehyung didn't knew what to say. Shocked is an understatement to explain his situation. Atfirst he looked at Jisoo's house then to Blake again to Jake and again to Blake and then he started laughing. Confused with his act the other to looked at each other.

"So you are saying that you love Jisoo?" Taehyung asked pointing towards Blake.


"So why don't you share your story?"

"I saw Jisoo for the first time when she was going to college. Instantly I fell in love with her. So to keep a track on her I opened my garage infront of her house."

"Insane." Taehyung muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Huh? Nothing. So tell me does jisoo feels the same."

"No, I don't think so. For two years I am trying and she didn't gave a single glance towards me."

"Oh! Expected."


"Leave it. I want you to know, I am not going to come in your way cause I already like a girl in my office so no need to worry."

"Oh! So you are just her friend?"

"Just Friends."

"Good then I do not have to worry."

"No. And then again what's your ability if compared to me. Everyone knows who is better, who has the glamour, bye." With that he returned back home.

"What does that mean, Jake?"

"No idea."


Hello everyone my next chapter is up. So you can have a look. This is basically a cute love story I was watching and I loved it so thought to share it with everyone over here so I made it my own story with more thoughts and more funny quotes with some different scenarios with vsoo version hope you all like it.

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Love you all 😍...
Have a nice day or night...

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