Chapter 12- Friends

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It's true when people say time travels fast. Time really do travel fast. It's funny, when we want time to go fast it slows down and when we want time to explore as slow as possible it runs like it is running a marathon race. Like seriously understanding time is like solving a riddle.

It is just the same case in both the Kim's family. How three days flew they never knew? The past three days were like absolute fun to them. They travelled to many places in New York. But as it is been said everything good comes to an end. It came, the departure. They were all utterly sad when the day came for Taehyung's family to leave.

"Hey, can't you prolong your stay? See, Taehyung will also miss you guys and us too. Why leaving so soon?" Ji-hoon pleaded.

"It's not possible, Ji-hoon. I have to solve some paper works and also to finish some bank works. Why don't you visit us next time?" Sang-jun said.

"Yes! Ji-hoon, Soo-min, next time it's you guys visiting us. We don't want to listen to any of your damn excuses. And yeah, next time do bring your son-in-law with you. What's his name, again? Jin, right? Yup, bring Jin next time when you visit. And we are coming in Jisoo's wedding anyways." Ara reasoned out.

"Yes, don't worry. We will bring both Jisoo and Jin with us the next time we visit." Ji-hoon said.

"Give me your words, Ji-hoon." Ara said with a determined tone.

"I promise you, I will come this time."

"And if he doesn't go I surely will go myself this time." Soo-min said hugging Ara.

"Better idea, Soo-min." Ara hugged her back.

With hugs and kisses they announced their departure. They gave their blessings to Jisoo for her upcoming wedding. Taehyung's mother lost it when hugging Taehyung. He assured her that he is okay and he loves her. Then eventually they left.


Taehyung took the day off because he was tired after departing his mom and dad to airport and again he was already late to go. That day Jisoo was also home. But Ji-hoon left for work and left his lunch box. So Jisoo's mother said Jisoo to go to her father's office and drop the lunch box. Taehyung decided to drop her off on his motorcycle. On their way Jisoo remembered Taehyung wanted to see her three days ago.

"Taehyung, what was it that you wanted to say me that day?"

"Ah... That was... Nevermind." He fumbled on his words remembering what he needed to say.

"You said that we are friends, right? Then tell me. Friends do discuss everything."

"You know what? What I wanted to say you was definitely friends won't discuss or say to another friend." He can't say her that he loves her , at least not now, on a bike ride to her dad's office to give a damn lunch box.

"Why is that?"

"You won't understand. Drop it." He refused to elaborate the topic. Rest of the ride was a complete silent ride as both refused to talk.


They reached Ji-hoon's office. Reaching there the first thing they saw a mass of people surrounding the gate area. They moved past the mass and saw Ji-hoon leaning against the wall of the building and some people are holding his belongings. He has a bruised face with a slight tint of blood on the side of his lips.

"Dad?! What happened? Dad? Say something."

"Ji-hoon, mortgaged the house and took money from some people. See, there some people are retrieving, they are them from whom he took the money..." The man beside Jisoo's father pointed towards a group of people who were retrieving. "... the payable interest was delayed and they started a hassle. They raised hands on him, hitted him infront of everybody showing their power."

"Hey! You people, stop." Taehyung approached them not wasting any time after hearing what happened.

"Who raised their hands on uncle?" Taehyung demanded.

"That's me." Taehyung recognised him immediately. He was the same he saw few days ago with Ji-hoon. He was paying them.

"No, Taehyung. Let's go back." Ji-hoon pleaded.

Taehyung is far from hearing what Ji-hoon said as his blood is boiling crazily. Some people of their gang approached him to tackle but as a result injured themselves only. He punched and kicked them with his bare hands. The man who seemed to be the leader of their gang was not ready to put a fight with Taehyung.

"Hey, stop. I gave him the money when he asked not asking 'why?'. So now, when he should pay back the interest, he is backing off. I kept my buisness aside and came here to collect the money. How long will I stay in that house which is not mine? He keeps on saying that he will pay me today or tomorrow but that oneday never came. I don't need that house, I need my money back. Today when I came he now have me the excuse of his daughter's wedding. Won't I have the need for money?"

"He is right, uncle. It is your mistake and you are silent. You ask  them when you need the money and you escape when it is the time to pay back. That's not right. What you did is not at all right! Sorry brother."

"Learn from this boy. Behave according to your age." The man said and was going to head off when Taehyung stopped them.

"One minute!"

"What, now?"

"Why did you raised your hand on my friend?"

"I already explained why. Haven't you understood the logic?"

"I understood your logic of hitting uncle. But you should not have raised your hands on my friend. For that, I am going to take my revenge." With that he punched that man's face pretty hard and kicked his ass.

"You gave money when he was on need. That was a noble deed. But you were inhuman when it came to take back the amount of money from the same person. He mortgaged his house, not his self esteem..." He searched his office address's card in his pocket and threw it to the man's face, "... Keep the card. Come to this address tomorrow and take your money." After that they headed home.

... In the house...

"What happened?" Jisoo's mother was thrilled seeing the injured face of Ji-hoon.

"Nothing to worry about, mom. There was a small fight at dad's office. Taehyung took care of everything back there. He helped dad out. If he wasn't there I don't know what would have happened..." Jisoo got cut off by Ji-hoon.

"Stop talking about that now. It's already late and it's lunch time, anyways. Set the table. I am going to freshen up."

"God bless you, son." Jisoo's mother hugged Taehyung and kissed his head whipping off her tears.

At the table, they were all discussing about things and tried to forget about the incident took place earlier. But suddenly Jisoo's remembered something and was curious to ask.

"Taehyung! Why did you called my father as friend back there?"

"Friend?" Jisoo's mother also asked.

"Uh! Actually..."

"He is my friend. Can't my friend's son be my friend too? Relatives might not be helpful in some bad times. But a true friend never leaves your side. They always stay and help you in your needful times. I guess, I got my true friend. Thanks, friend." Ji-hoon smiled and squeezed Taehyung's hand a little as a friendly gesture.

"Always." Taehyung smiled back...

Taehyung's current demeanor perfectly resembles an old quote, 'Iron fist, with velvet love.'

Hey friends,
Hope you all are safe and healthy. My new update is quite done and you know what not many chapters are left. It is coming to an end soon. Hope you all are enjoying yourself in the long run with me. Keep supporting me that's all I need. Thank you guys for supporting and voting.

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