Chapter 12

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Hearing the footsteps of other people coming upstairs, Jungkook ran faster. Reaching the broken window, through which he came inside, he was about to jump out but YN stopped all on a sudden.

"What are you doing? Let's go!" Jungkook asked.

"I can't do this, it's so high!" YN replied.

"Okay, you don't have to do anything. Just get on my back," Jungkook suggested.

"What? How are........." YN tried to protest.

But before she could complete her sentence, Jungkook grabbed her hands and put her on his back.

"Hold on to me tightly," Jungkook said and then got out of the window.

Sliding down through the pipe, both of them got down safely. YN was clutching to Jungkook like a Koala as if her life depended on it.

"You can get off me now, we're already down!" Jungkook said.

Hearing his voice she finally opened her eyes and got down from his back. Feeling a bit embarrassed she looked here and there but suddenly got dragged by him to the back of the building.

"What are......" YN tried to ask.

"Shh.... they're searching for us," Jungkook said while peeking behind the wall.

YN's back was now against the wall and Jungkook was standing right in front of her, making their bodies press against each other. This situation made her body heat up and her cheeks became red like a tomato.

After Jungkook was done peeking at the enemies, he turned to look at YN but for some reason he became flustered too. YN followed his gaze then realized that her upper buttons were still undone. She tried to button herself up in a hurry which made Jungkook a little bit embarrassed. Staring at a women's chest is indeed a shameful act.

However, Jungkook took a quick glance at his surroundings and finding a way he started running again, holding ber hand. First he helped her to climb the wall and then he also did the same.

He had parked his car at a distance and so he started running towards that direction. But suddenly he saw a few gangsters searching for them desperately.

"Shit! We can't go this way, they may see us," Jungkook mumbled and then ran in the opposite direction and hid behind a bush.

As if the situation wasn't already hard enough, it stared raining heavily, making them completely drenched.

"What are we gonna do now?" YN asked.

"I need to get to my car but they're in the way. We've to wait till they disappear," Jungkook replied.

Jungkook wanted to wait for a while and then go to his car. But YN was already shivering in cold due to the rain and the gangsters were still searching for them. So finding no other way, he decided to take shelter.

"There's a motel nearby. We can stay there till the rain stops, come with me," Jungkook suggested and then started running again, holding her hand.

After running for a few minutes, they saw a three storey building. But instead of going inside, Jungkook ran to the side and kept looking up.

"What are you doing?" YN asked.

"Searching for a proper way to enter," Jungkook replied.

"Can't we just go through the main gate?"

"No we can't, those gangsters may come here searching for us. If anyone sees us, they'll tell them that we're here," Jungkook said without looking at her and then suddenly started climbing a pipe.

"Are you gonna leave me here?" YN asked as she hugged herself to save her from the cold.

Jungkook didn't reply rather jumped to a small balcony and looked through the window. Seeing people inside, he jumped to another balcony and repeated his actions for three more times. Finally finding an empty room, he smashed the window glass and opened it. The sound of rain and thunder, masked the sound of his action.

YN was still standing in the rain and looking up at Jungkook. She couldn't figure out what he was up to. Then suddenly he disappeared inside the room and a few moments later, he came back to the balcony.

"Grab this and then I'll pull you up," Jungkook said and then threw a white sheet of cloth down the balcony. YN grabbed it tightly and he pulled her up to the first floor.

When he pulled her inside grabbing her waist, her chest hit his face. Because of the rain her white shirt was already see through and her red bra could be seen through it. And now this close proximity, made the atmosphere very awkward for them.

Jungkook stared at her for a while and his hands were still at her waist. YN was really very pretty and her current drenched state was quite tempting for a hot blooded young man, like Jungkook.

But Jungkook managed to win over his temptation and got inside the room. However, YN was the one who couldn't stop thinking about the young man in front of her.

His drenched hair lock, those dark dreamy eyes, that muscular manly body..........and then many other vulgar thoughts started pooping up in her mind.

Then realization hit her like a truck, the viagra has started to show its effects!!


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