Chapter 29

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After placing YN in the car, Jackson also got onto the driver seat. YN was still struggling to run away but failed miserably. Seeing her trying so hard, he smirked a little bit. He was about to start the car when his right hand man called him again.

"B-boss....... We're doomed. They've already-  .........!"

"They've what? Hello? Hello? Why aren't you answering goddammit!"

Jackson became restless after the call and punched on the steering getting angry. For a moment YN looked at him confused and then remembered what Jungkook whispered to her.

"We've a plan but you've to save yourself."

Then it hit her what he actually meant. They've managed to save themselves but if Jackson holds her hostage again then everything goes back to square one. She peeked at her palm and saw the small tranquilizer dart that Jungkook gave her and now she knew what exactly she needed to do.

"Even if they manage to get away, I still have you little YN. They have no choice but to come back," Jackson said looking at YN and then turned to start the car.

This was the chance and without wasting a second YN harshly pushed the dart on Jackson's neck.

"Aaaarrrrgggg...... What the hell did you-  .....!"

Jackson shouted while holding his neck with his hand but couldn't finish his sentence as he fell unconscious in no time. For a moment YN felt really startled as it was her first time hurting someone like this. But she managed to collect herself and ran out of the car. The loud sounds of gunshots could still be heard.

She ran towards the elevator but when the elevator door opened, suddenly Seulgi came out of nowhere. YN widened her eyes and stopped on her tracks.

"Come with me right now," Seulgi said and then grabbed YN's arm.

"What? What happened? Where are the others? Are they okay? I don't want to go, I need to see him please!" YN pleaded while getting dragged by Seulgi.

"YN they're completely fine but they're busy at this moment. Jungkook sent me here to take you to a safe place."

After they got into the car, Seulgi informed Jungkook about YN being safe, through the earpiece. Then she took YN to the BT21 hideout.

Meanwhile what happened in the hall was, other BT squads working near Seoul, came to the rescue of BT21. When YN was being sold in the Gala, Namjoon informed Seokjin about the adverse situation and it was Jin who assembled the other agents.

The moment the agents arrived at the building, the BT21 agents were already surrounded by the Vipers. So they took their positions at different places and waited for the signal to attack. As YN was still in the middle of all this, Jungkook didn't want to harm her. So they waited till she was out of the room.

The moment Jackson got out with YN, the Vipers took their positions to shoot the BT21 agents. The gangsters were really happy thinking that they finally got the spies. But when they were about to pull the trigger, Namjoon secretly signaled the hidden agents and numerous darts flew at the Vipers, making them unconscious.

The other Viper members who were still not shot, started firing at the agents and thus a battle started between the spies and the gangsters. Amidst all this, Jungkook asked Seulgi to check up on YN. Jungkook had a firm belief in YN that she would manage to save herself with the dart and fortunately she did.

After all this ended, the police force came to the scene as locals informed them about the shooting. The BT agents already ran away leaving behind the unconscious bodies of the Vipers. And also Jackson Wang was found unconscious in his car.

Before leaving, the agents left a note and a pen drive for the police, containing numerous evidence against the Vipers. The girls were also rescued and were taken to the hospital.

YN was walking back and forth in a room and she was becoming more restless by each passing second. Seulgi was busy doing God knows what. Then suddenly the door flew open revealing a huffing Jungkook.

"Jungkook-  ........!"

But he didn't say anything, rather walked up to her and cupping her swollen cheeks, kissed her very passionately. The kiss was filled with so much love and desperation as if it was the end of the world. Time stopped running for him and he wanted the moment to last forever.

Finally breaking the kiss, he engulfed her in his embrace and snuggled his face on the crook of her neck. He was happy but yet a few tear drops escaped his eyes.

"I know I've never said this before but I want you to know that I love you so much. I was always so scared and always tried to run away from my feelings. I used to think that only fools fall in love, that they're wasting their life. But now here I am, being a fool in your love and finally now I realize that I've started living only recently, when I fell for you. You've given a true meaning to my life and no matter what happens, I'm never letting you go. For a moment there, I thought it was the end, that I'll never see you again and that moment I truly realized how much you mean to me. From now on, I want to be the smile in your lips, I want to be your light in the darkness, I want to be the cause of your happiness and I want to be your shield from any danger.

Will you hold my hand and walk the path of life with this fool?"

"Pabo..... Of course I will!" *sobs*

Hearing the heart melting confession, YN broke down into tears and smiled at the same time. Holding him tightly, she snuggled into his chest and felt the warmth of his heart.

Meanwhile, six mischievous heads were peeking through the door and smiling ear to ear, seeing their youngest being all romantic.

"Wow, did those words really come out of that kid's mouth! I can't believe it!" (Jin)

"I think Namjoon hyung wrote him a script. There's no way his stupid ass can be this romantic." (Taehyung)

"No I didn't do anything. When you're in love, you'll learn naturally how to express it to your loved one." (Namjoon)

"Ah isn't it embarrassing that the maknae found a lover and soon he'll be a father, while we're still single? Now I'm feeling jealous, I need to find someone soon." *pout* (Hoseok)

"What are you guys doing here?" Seulgi shouted from the behind, making everyone startled, including the lovely couple inside.

"Ah hyung, you guys were watching us all this time! Don't you have a tiny bit of shame?" Jungkook whined.

"Woah, we didn't know our manly muscle bunny can whine! So adorable! Come to hyungs, let us pinch those fluffy cheeks!"

"Ah hyung, don't embarrass me in front of her!"

*Giggles* *Laughs* *Whines*


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