Chapter 26

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~The day of the Mafia Gala~

It was the weekend so Jungkook and YN both were home all day. But Jungkook couldn't spend much time with YN as he was busy preparing for something. Then in the evening, he got ready to go out somewhere.

"Are you going somewhere?" YN asked, coming to the living room.

"Yeah, I'm going on an important mission today and after this you won't need to live in fear anymore," Jungkook assured with a smile.

But worry was written all over YN's face. All kinds of negative thoughts came to her mind. What if something happened to him! Seeing her grave impression, Jungkook walked near her and engulfed her in his arms.

"Don't worry too much about me, okay. I'm well trained and I've done this many times. And if you have any problems then just call the guards, they're downstairs."

Saying this, Jungkook left a chaste kiss on her forehead and walked out of the house.

After about ten minutes of Jungkook's departure, suddenly the doorbell rang. YN walked near the door and saw two of the bodyguards, through the door's peephole. She thought it was something important so she opened the door without any hesitation.

The Gala was being held in the ballroom of a five star hotel. The hotel belonged to the Mafia community so there was no civil person present there today. One needed to show a special pass to enter the Gala, which the spies didn't have.

The BT21 agents were waiting in the parking lot, inside their cars. They were discussing their plan when their target arrived, The Lio Group. As soon as the Lio gangsters got out of their car, the agents shot their tranquilizer guns at them and all the gangsters fell flat on the ground.

Before anyone could see them, the agents took out the gang's passes to enter the Gala and then put their unconscious bodies back in the car.

Finally entering the hall, they took their seats around a round table. The hall was already filled with the gangsters of different mafia groups and their upper face was covered with a mask. The agents took a look of their surroundings and waited for the Viper leader to arrive.

As they were waiting, they saw a small stage being prepared for the show. Then the organizers started bringing in beautiful girls one by one and made them stand on the stage. While some girls were crying their eyes out, some were winking at men in front of them, probably the prostitutes.

The girls will be sold for one night and it was just a way of entertainment for the Mafias. Not only girls but they also prepared other items like illegal drugs and weapons for sale. The Gala also served as a meeting place for the Mafias to crack a deal with other groups.

The agents were busy observing everything when suddenly a commotion rose among the gangsters. Soon they realized that the Viper's leader has finally arrived. As The Viper was the biggest gang in the Mafia community, everyone was really excited to meet him.

The other gangs came in a small group but for some reason, The Viper came in a huge group. It didn't take long for the agents to realize that, the Viper was definitely planning something big. As the vipers took their seats, the agents started counting the Viper members and they saw a part of the gang going to the organizer's room. They were carrying a huge box and it looked like the box was shaking, to be specific, someone was shaking it from inside. Even a kid can say that someone was inside.

However, the show finally began and the organizers started bidding off the girls, who were standing on the stage. Different groups fought with each other in the bidding, as a result the girls were being sold at a very high price. And whenever a gang won a girl, their members hooted in excitement and mocked their opponent gang. It was like a game to them. After the win, each of the winner gang leaders, took the respective girls upstairs in separate rooms and performed their dirty works.

When all the girls were sold off, the organizers made another announcement which made everyone hoot in excitement.

"Everyone, we already know that this year The Viper's leader is among us. It's a great news. But what's more great is that the leader has brought a very beautiful present for us. Let's see who can win this."

After the announcement, the organizers brought in a human figure, covered with a long black veil. The figure was dragged onto the stage and then suddenly they removed the veil. The agents widened their eyes in shock and Jungkook was thunderstruck.

It was none other than YN who was now standing on the stage, in front of all the lustful eyes.

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