Chapter 15

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Seeing Miss Han, YN stood up in a hurry and she had worry written all over her face. She had no intention of causing any misunderstanding between them.

"Well well, look who we have here! Miss YN, isn't it? So what's your excuse this time? You're here for..... work stuff right? So diligent of you to work on the weekends and does your work requires wearing your boss's clothes too?" Miss Han asked with a hurtful smirk.

"It's not what you think......we were," YN tried to explain but Jungkook decided to cut in.

"It's exactly what you think it is. Now tell me why you're here?" Jungkook asked sternly.

YN became confused hearing Jungkook's choice of words. Wasn't he supposed to explain things to her? Then why was he making things worse! Now YN was really confused about their relationship.

"Wow, you aren't even trying to deny it! Nice progress," Miss Han said looking at Jungkook and then turned back to look at YN. "Can you go somewhere else? I need to talk to him, alone."

YN nodded and ran upstairs in a hurry.

"Why are you here?" Jungkook asked, sliding his hands inside his pockets.

"My parents are arranging a dinner next weekend. So I came here to invite you. I already invited your parents and they gladly accepted the invitation," Hana said with a slight smile

"I'll think about it. Now if you're done, you can go!" Jungkook said with a straight face.

Hearing his reply, suddenly she started laughing like a psychopath.

"Jungkook-ssi, why are you always so rude? Is it so hard to like me back, ha!" Hana asked.

"You can't force someone to like you. It'd be better for you if you stop wasting your time on me and move on."

"It's not that easy to get rid of me, Jungkook-ssi. And let me give you a friendly advice, don't get so attached to that girl. Your parents will never accept her," Hana said with a smirk and left.

As a woman, Hana seemed perfect and even her family background was quite prestigious. Any guy would give anything to have her as a wife. But Jungkook had known her for a long time that he couldn't be blinded by her outer perfection.

She was so unreasonably obsessed with him that, it made him wanting to run away from her. Others would call Jungkook a fool to let go of such a woman. But if they ever put themselves in Jungkook's shoes, then they'll know how it actually felt.

"Didn't you say that she was kidnapped?"

"Yes ma'am, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Then how come she is in Jungkook's apartment? I just saw her with my own eyes!"

"Ma'am I swear......."

"Shut up!! I don't want to hear any excuses. Get your ass right here and do your job properly. I want every details of her life."

Jungkook was driving YN to her new apartment and the car ride was awkwardly quiet. YN was dying to ask a question but didn't know how to start the conversation.

"Why did you answer her like that?" YN finally managed to ask, all of a sudden.

"Like what?" Jungkook asked still focusing on the road.

"I mean she must've misunderstood us. Shouldn't you try to explain things to her in a better way? She must be hurt."

"Why should I explain anything?"

"Aren't you two.....umm......"

"Girlfriend? Fiancee? No, we are nothing of that sort so stop assuming things. And what kind of person do you think I am? If I was in a relationship with her I'd never have slept with you!" Jungkook spat.

"I'm sorry. It was my fault," YN said while looking out through the window, feeling embarrassed.

"You can't clap with one hand so it's not your fault alone. So let's just forget that incident," Jungkook suggested, still looking at the road.

YN nodded but her heart was beating like crazy, thinking about her heated moment with Jungkook. Yes it was a mistake but now the mention of that incident, made her feel butterflies in her stomach. She wondered, if he also felt the same!

However, the next day when she went back to her office, a certain witch was waiting to cast a dark spell on her.

"Do you think of me as a joke, YN? Where did you go the other day? This time I'm not gonna ignore this. I'm gonna send a complaint letter, just you wait," Miss Song spat.

She was in a mood to scold YN more but an employee from another department interrupted her.

"Miss Song, Mr Jackson Wang and The Kim's have already arrived in the building. The meeting will begin soon. All the department heads have been called in the meeting room."

Hearing the employee, Miss Song left the office in a hurry. The meeting was far more important than scolding a mere employee like YN.

YN left a sigh of relief thinking that she was saved from Miss Song. But only if she knew that the biggest nightmare of her life was coming to her, dressed like a daydream!


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