Chapter 22

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When officer Yoongi came with his police force and took over the situation, the four agents secretly got out of the place and ran towards their car. Their car was parked inside the woods, a little bit far from the mansion. They thought YN and Seulgi would be there but when they looked inside the car, there was no one.

"They aren't here! Where are they?" Jimin asked getting frustrated.

"Could they have gone with the police?" Taehyung asked.

Thinking of the possibility, they all ran back towards the mansion and checked all the empty police cars which were parked in front the entrance. But still they were unable to find them.

"Let's just call Yoongi hyung first."

~YN's P.O.V~
I woke up only to find myself in an unfamiliar room, lying on a cold floor. Both my hands and legs were tied and my mouth was taped. Everything seemed like a deja vu. Am I dreaming? I clearly remember Jungkook saving me from those kidnappers a while ago, then how come I am in this state?

Is this the actual reality and Jungkook saving me was the dream? No it's not possible. I clearly remember everything.

I was tied to a chair and there was another girl who was in the same state as me. When she gained consciousness, the kidnappers approached her.

"So this one is one of those spies and that one is the slut, right?" That's what the kidnapper said to her and I realized it was that girl named Seulgi.

Then they started bickering with her but I couldn't hear properly as I was still feeling dizzy. Then those guys suddenly got startled hearing a commotion and ran out of the room, leaving us alone. I was starting to gain consciousness when I saw a masked figure coming near me.

He untied me and embraced me very dearly. I can never forget that warmth, cause I'm sure it was Jungkook. He also untied the other girl and instructed her to take me out safely. I was still dazed and only followed that girl wherever she took me.

And the next thing I remember is that I was running and suddenly gunshots were fired at us. That girl was shot and somehow we managed to get on a car. But it was Hana who was the driver.

So all of that was a dream? But soon my confusion was cleared when I saw someone entering the room. It was none other than Hana who was busy staring at her phone and she had a small plastic bag in ber hand.

"Aaaarrrggghhh...!" I tried to talk.

Hearing my muffled sounds, she darted her head towards me and coming near, sat down right in front of my face.

"Awe you're awake little YNie! Don't worry, I'll put you to sleep again," she said with a pout and removed the tape from my mouth.

"Why are you doing this? What do you want with me?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"Oh I've nothing to do with you. It's just that you have something of Jungkook's that I'm going to take out of you. You know, he's only mine!" She said and then burst out laughing.

"What?? What do you mean?" I asked getting confused and scared at the same time.

"That baby is Jungkook's so you can't have it. See, I've already searched online how to perform an abortion," she said while showing me her phone screen.

"You're crazy! You can't do this to me. You're gonna go to jail for this!" I shouted while crying my heart out.

"Nope, I won't. I'll just say that those kidnappers did this to you and I found you and took you to a hospital. Case solved!"

Saying this she again taped my mouth and poured the contents inside the plastic bag on the floor. They looked like medical appliances. Picking up a syringe she started humming a song.

"It's my first time performing a medical procedure so I'm very excited. Don't worry, even if I do something wrong, you won't die. It's quite a simple procedure," she said and then came near me with the syringe.

I was really scared and started shaking my head to make her stop. But my pathetic condition only made her laugh more. Now one thing was clear to me. She wasn't in love with Jungkook, she was obsessed with him and she is a total psycho. How would you feel if a crazy person performs a medical procedure on you?

Now that the final moment had come, I started squirming. My body took control of my mind and I tried with my heart and soul to get away from her. But failed miserably. She was about to push the sedative drug in me when she was called from outside.

"Hana! Hana! Where are you? Can you come out please? There's some people who need to talk to you."

"Coming dad!"

~Author's P.O.V~

Officer Yoongi with some of his fellow police officers were now standing on the doorstep of Han mansion. After Mr Han called his daughter, all of them waited for her to come.

"What's the matter, officer?" Mr Han asked.

"We need to search your house. We believe that your daughter, Miss Hana, has kidnapped two young women," officer Yoongi replied.

"What the hell are you talking about? My Hana can never do this," Mr Han shouted being furious as hell.

Just at that moment Hana came out and looked at everyone with an expressionless face.

"Miss Hana, where are the girls? If you don't tell us then unfortunately we'd have to search your house!"

"What girls? I don't know what you're talking about. And you can't search my house without an warrant," Hana answered with a smirk.

"We actually do have a warrant. You see, Miss Hana, your car was caught on our dash cam and two girls can clearly be seen in your backseat."

"Dad, they're trying to frame me. Don't let them search our house," Hana tried to act victim all of a sudden.

Mr Han was about to throw a fit when Jungkook came in the picture.

"I swear Hana, if anything happens to YN and my child, I'll chop you into pieces!" Jungkook came forward and threatened Hana.

"You bastard! First you humiliated my daughter in front of the media and now you're trying to frame her! How dare you?" Mr Han came forward in a hurry and grabbed Jungkook's collar.

Thus a complete chaos was created in the Han mansion and all the servants and guards became startled. Taking the opportunity, Yoongi and other officers got in the house and started searching. A female officer restricted Hana so that she couldn't go anywhere.

Mr Han was busy venting up his anger on Jungkook when suddenly an officer came running from the garage, outside.

"We've found a girl on the car's trunk and she has a gunshot wound on her shoulder."

Hearing the officer, everyone's eyes widened with pure shock.

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