Chapter 25

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~One week later~

YN was making pancakes in the kitchen and it was early in the morning. Suddenly a muscular arm hugged her waist from behind and started leaving wet kisses on the crook of her neck.

"Why are you up so early today, hmm?" Jungkook asked with a sleepy voice in between his soft kisses.

"Actually Jungkook...... I was thinking of going to the office. I want to start working again. It's kind of boring sitting here all day," YN replied, staring at his hands those were engulfing her at the moment.

Jungkook stopped on his tracks and darted his head up to look at her side profile. Tugging a few strands of hair behind her ear, he spoke softly.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?"

"Yeah I'm sure," YN replied with a slight smile while looking at his doe eyes.

"Okay then, I'll take you there everyday and also you'll come back home with me. And don't worry, soon you'll be able to roam around freely. Namjoon hyung is planning something big to catch the leader," Jungkook explained joyfully.

But YN's smile dropped, hearing his last sentence. Some unknown fear engulfed her mind causing her to be anxious and nervous.

"Hey, what happened? Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, cupping her cheeks.

"Ju-jungkook...... the things you do, I mean being a spy and all..... wh-what if something goes wrong? I mean..... last time when you went to my house, you were shot! You were blee-bleeding and....!"

"Shh! Nothing will happen to me okay so stop worrying. I'll be always be here for you and our little sunshine," he said with a bright smile and hugged her very dearly.

"Why are you always late for the office? Because of you I'm late too, aish!" YN complained while getting out of the car.

"I work two jobs you know!" He smiled playfully. "And YN, if anyone tries to misbehave with you or passes a stupid comment, just tell me okay! I'll teach them a lesson."

"It's okay, I can handle it. Now I'm going," YN said with a smile and ran towards the elevator, leaving Jungkook behind, in the parking lot.

YN was absent for all these days and on top of it, she was late also. So she was panicking inside, thinking that Miss Song will eat her alive. She entered her department quietly and saw Miss Song lecturing one of her colleagues, in the middle of the room. YN bowed to her politely and prepared herself to hear the yelling.

"Oh look who's here! I thought you'd never come, we missed you so much. I'm glad to have you back, YN!" Miss Song exclaimed and hugged her all of a sudden.

YN was confused as to why her rude boss was suddenly being so nice to her. But once she pulled away, she saw her smiling face carefully and realized that all of it was fake. She was trying to act nice.

"Everyone, please be nice to YN and try to cooperate with her. After all she's carrying our mini president inside her," Miss Song said loudly so that everyone could hear her and again forced another smile on her hatred filled face.

Now everything was clear to YN. Just because she was in a relationship with the president, her behavior changed all of sudden. But it was not only Miss Song. YN's other colleagues, who used to talk behind her back and even called her a slut, were now showing fake concerns with fake smiles.

However, later that day, a peon came in their department with a bouquet in his hands. He gave it to YN which made everyone look at her and once again YN felt really uncomfortable with all these unwanted attention.

Thinking that it was Jungkook, YN felt angry towards him. Was there any need for this public display of affection? But when she read the note in it, she found that it was Jackson Wang who sent the bouquet and he was waiting at the reception to meet her.

"Mr Wang, what are you doing here? You didn't need to send those flowers but still thank you," YN said politely and sat on the couch in front of him.

"I came here regarding the project and thought of meeting you. You know, I never got to congratulate you for the little angel!" Mr Wang replied with a smile.

YN felt a little awkward and gave him a sheepish smile. She didn't know what to say further and started playing with her fingers.

"I know what you must be thinking but please don't get me wrong. I totally respect your relationship with Jungkook and I was hoping if we could still be friends?" Mr Wang asked, extending his arm for a handshake.

"Yeah, of course. It's really very sweet of you," YN replied and shook his hand.

~Time skip~

"This year's Mafia Gala will be held within a month and it has been announced in the mafia community that this time the Viper's leader will be present there himself," agent Koya informed while standing in front of the other BT21 agents.

"But as far as I know he never shows up. He always sends his right hand man!" Agent Mang asked.

"This time the Gala has a masquerade theme so basically he's not gonna reveal his face. Maybe that's why he's coming!" Agent Tata replied.

"I don't think so Taehyung. I believe he's definitely planning something big," agent Koya retorted.

"So what's the plan hyung?" Agent Cooky asked.

"We have every info about the Lio gang and this time we'd go there under the name of this gang. So guys prepare yourself!" Agent Koya explained.

Everyone nodded at their leader's plan and discussed further. After their secret meeting was over, they were about to head out, when agent Shooky called Jungkook back.

"What is it hyung?"

"Until we're done with the Viper, always keep an eye on YN. I don't think they're gonna let go of her so easily. She's the only link through which they can drag us right into their trap. So be careful."

"I'm trying my best hyung. If she's dragged into this mess again, I can never forgive myself. I've already arranged a few bodyguards for her."

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