Chapter 11

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Peeking over the wall, Jungkook checked the territory. Then seeing the coast clear, he jumped over the wall and ran towards the mansion. He didn't see anything that seemed suspicious so he started thinking that he was at the wrong place.

While walking towards the entrance of the mansion, he suddenly stopped on his tracks hearing some voices. He quickly hid himself and saw two people in front of the door, probably the guards.

"Yah! Only if I was a gang member and not a guard, I could've had her too. Just look at her, aish!" One of them said, looking at their group chat on his phone.

"Don't worry, once they get the information, they won't kill her immediately. We all will have our fair share," the other guard said and licked his lips.

Now Jungkook was sure that he was at the right place. The mansion belonged to the Viper gang. So wasting no time, he took out his dart gun and shot at those guards. Then within a few seconds they both fell unconscious on the ground.

Jungkook picked up one of their phones and read the important details from the chat.

"Agent Tata, I've found YN's whereabouts. Now I'm going in," Jungkook said through his earpiece.

"Do you need any help?" Taehyung asked.

"No, I can handle it myself."

After saying this, Jungkook cut the call. Entering through the main door would be risky so he went to the side and searched for a proper entrance. Then he climbed a pipe and reached a glass window.

Looking through the glass, he saw a long slender corridor and there was no one around. So he carefully smashed the glasses and jumped in. From the guards phone, he already knew in which room YN was. So he started searching for the room.

Now it's been a few minutes since the kidnappers left YN in the room alone. She was a crying mess and trying really hard to free herself. Her wrists and ankles were so red that soon they'll start bleeding.

She was getting desperate by each passing second. Then suddenly she saw the door open slowly and someone popped their head inside. Both of their eyes connected and widened at the same time.

The person popping their head through the door was none other than Jungkook. As soon as he saw YN alone in the room, he ran to her in a hurry and started untying the ropes.

"Jungkook? Is it you?" YN asked as he was wearing a mask.

"Yeah, I'm here now. I'll get you out of here, don't worry!" Jungkook whispered while working on the ropes.

The moment he freed YN, she hugged him all of a sudden. She was so scared and overwhelmed that she acted on impulse.

"I-I... thought.... t-they're......" YN tried to say while sobbing and snuggling in his chest.

Jungkook felt a bit awkward but he didn't push her away. She had just been through a traumatic incident and he felt really bad for her. It was his group's fault after all. If they didn't kidnap her in the first place, this wouldn't have happened to her.

"Shhh......It's okay. Nothing's gonna happen to you. Now all we have to do is get out of here. Let's not waste anymore time, hmm!" Jungkook ensured while patting her back lightly.

Finally getting her conscience back, she pulled away and wiped her tears. Jungkook grabbed her hand and got out of the room. They were walking in a fast pace without making any sounds. Then suddenly one of the kidnappers came out of nowhere. All three of them got startled.

"You bastard! How did you get...."

Before he could finish his sentence, Jungkook landed a punch on his face. As a result, the guy stumbled backwards and hit the wall. Jungkook was about to punch him again when suddenly the guy picked up the fire extinguisher from the wall and swayed it towards Jungkook.

The metal cylinder directly hit Jungkook's face. Jungkook was taken aback for a moment and then before he could collect himself, another hit came. This time hitting his hip, which made him fall backwards on the floor.

Jungkook was whimpering in pain and the large guy kept kicking him in the stomach. The kidnapper was too strong and got the upper hand. YN just stood there behind them being helpless.

Then somehow YN gathered up some courage and kicked the guy between his legs from behind. This technique worked like magic and the guy fell on the floor clutching his balls. YN took the opportunity and kicked him in that particular place a few more times.

Jungkook got up from the floor and ran towards the window, holding her hand. Then they heard the bickering and shouting of men coming from downstairs. They must've found the two unconscious guards and now they're coming for them.


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