Chapter 13

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#This is not a smut but it does contain some mature contents.

It was still raining heavily. YN was sitting on the edge of the bed while Jungkook was inside the bathroom. A few moments later he came out wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his lower body.

The moment YN laid her eyes on his bare torso, her mind went haywire with indecent thoughts. She felt a sudden urge to run her fingers through his ebony hair. She wanted to lick the water droplets that were sliding down through his toned abs.

She was lost in her thoughts while her widened eyes kept staring at his manly body like a hawk. She didn't even realize what she was doing. Then finally she came back to reality when Jungkook decided to speak.

"You should dry yourself up otherwise you'll catch cold," Jungkook suggested while spreading his wet clothes in front of the air conditioner.

"Easy for you to say. It's not like I can walk around being topless like you," YN mumbled but loud enough for him to hear, while looking at anywhere but his eyes.

Her reply made him a little bit self conscious and also a bit embarrassed. However, clearing his throat, he tried to get her attention.

"There's another dry towel in the bathroom....... you can use it if you want," Jungkook said while scratching the back of his neck.

The atmosphere in the room was quite awkward for both of them. Even Jungkook was feeling a bit uneasy but he tried to shrug it off. And it was getting really hard for YN to fight off the effect of the drug. She tried her best not to jump on him like a beast and give in to her urges.

But the accident that happened next, awoke the beast inside her, killing the last bit of her rational thinking.

Water was dripping from her wet clothes and while trying to walk towards the bathroom, she suddenly slipped on the wet floor. But Jungkook was quick enough to catch her.

Now their bodies were pressed against each other. His hands were wrapped around her tiny waist while her hands snaked around his neck as a reflex action. And when they tried to stand straight, their faces came dangerously close to each other.

Jungkook got flustered for a moment but being the gentlemen he was, he tried to let her go. But YN wasn't in her right mind. The moment his warm skin came into contact with hers, the last bit of her rational thinking flew out of the window.

Her heart started beating faster and her whole body started heating up due to all the blood rush. That's it! She couldn't control herself anymore. Losing all the sanity she finally smashed her lips onto his.

Her soft lips started gliding on his thin lips and her hands clutched his hair in a tight grip. At first Jungkook was taken aback and thought of pushing her away. But before he could do that, his male hormones started kicking in.

Instead of pushing her away, he tightened his grip around her and responded to her kiss. They both parted their lips and intertwined their tongues. Slowly they savoured each moment and soon it became more heated, leaving them completely breathless.

"Stop me......." YN pleaded in between the kisses.

"" He asked still kissing her.

"They.... fed me.....Viagra...I can't control.....myself anymore..." YN managed to say.

She was saying something and doing the complete opposite of what she was saying. But Jungkook understood her dilemma and for a moment, thought of stopping his actions.

He tried to pull away from the kiss but she kept on kissing his jawline and then his neck. Her hands were roaming around his bare body which was making it hard for him to resist the temptation. Then finally he made a firm decision to push her away.

But suddenly he felt his lower body tense up due to all the sexual tension he was feeling from her seductive touches. Now that he's completely turned on, can he control himself?

"It's too late now....." Jungkook said and then pushed her on the bed.

Hovering over her he kissed her more  and his hands roamed around her body. Finally getting satisfied with all the kisses, he stripped all her clothes and also threw away his towel too that was covering his lower body till now.

Seeing each other's bare body made their eyes darken with lust. From then on things escalated further and the girl finally lost her V card.

While doing it, they felt all kinds of ecstasy and pleasures in the world. But now that they're done and their lost sanity came back to them, guilt and regret started crawling inside their heart and mind.

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