Chapter 9

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I look around. This place is in ruins and there are demons everywhere. I don't even know if I'm able to kill one, let alone face half of these.

"You'll be fine. Right now we have to focus on taking out at least half of these things." 

A demon leaps at Talan, but it just gets blasted away from him. I assume he used his magic for that. Several of them come after me, and I feel overwhelmed. Is this how I'm going to die a second time? My heartbeat keeps getting faster and faster as a demon digs it's teeth into my skin. It hurts. It hurts more than any pain I've ever felt. I just need to make it stop. Get it off. Kill it. 

I stand back up, the pain no longer bothering, and start counting them. Fifty. That mean we have to take out at least twenty-five. I can do this. My magic starts flowing through my veins, but this time it's not calm. This magic is full of my rage. I see my hands begin to glow as my vision slowly turns to pure white. I feel my body moving, but I'm not moving it. It's as if I'm being controlled. I can speak though.

"Talan! Talan what's going on?" I shout, hoping that he can hear me.

"Alex? Alex! Stop! You can't take them on yourself!"

"I know that! I'm not in control of my body."

Talan doesn't reply as I feel my scythe being thrust through flesh. I hope that was a demon and not Talan. That's all I can really do, hope. My scythe goes through several more things before I feel my magic being blasted through my veins. I feel myself falling as my vision returns. I hit the ground but don't feel any pain. I only feel exhausted.

"Talan? Where are you?"

I black out, and when I open my eyes Benji is standing over me.

"He's awake! Talan, Maddy! He woke up!"

I look around and see that Talan and Maddy are also in the room. Benji embraces me in a hug.

"How long was I out for? What happened?"

"You were out for a few hours. Apparently your body and eyes began glowing and you started killing demons left and right. Talan said that when you started to get swarmed by the last bit of them you blasted your magic at them, which caused you to be blasted into the sky."

"Yeah, well the good news is that nobody else will be getting killed at that area again. I brought you here after you backed out an healed the wounds that you had. It's almost six o'clock right now."

"What about dinner? Are you able to stand?"Benji asks me.

I had almost forgotten about my dinner plans, "I can stand, and I don't feel dizzy either."

"Sweet! That means that we can still have dinner together!"

Talan and Maddy just nod their heads.

"Let's go. We can also celebrate you killing all those demons!"

"Don't mention that when there are other Phanters around. We can't let anybody know what happened today. Benji, can you keep a secret?"

"Of course I Can! I may talk a lot, but that doesn't mean that I'm bad at keeping secrets."

Talan looks over to Maddy for conformation.

"They are right. They're surprisingly good at keeping secrets."

We walk to the restaurant in almost complete silence. Benji has been talking and bombarding me with millions of questions at a time. They stop every now and then to say sorry for talking to much, but I assure them that it's fine. I think that people with bubbly personalities are adorable. they always have something in life to look forward to. They also tend to make friends easier.

When we arrive at the restaurant, Maddy says that she made a reservation so we don't have to wait long. We get seated and look at the menu, which is filled with all sorts of different things. The menus are all tablets and are in very organized categories. I click on the Japanese category and choose what I want. Yakisoba, takoyaki, and an assorted plate of sushi. I didn't realize how much I was craving good food. I'm bad at cooking, and the food in the rooms aren't pre-cooked. 

We eat in silence, all appreciating the deliciousness of our meals. Benji and I ordered ice cream sundaes for our desserts, while Maddy and Talan didn't feel like eating sweet things.

When we finish and it's time to pay, I realize that I have no money. Lucky for us, Maddy already decided to pay for everyone. 

"It's already eight! That was longer than I expected."Talan remarks, "I have to stop by my room quickly, but we should all meet up in Alex's. He has a game room. See you guys later."

"I also need to put some things away, so you two can go on ahead," Maddy says, teleporting to her room.

"Are you able to teleport yourself yet?" I ask Benji.

"No, sorry. I guess we'll just have to walk."

The walk to my room takes faster than usual. When I get inside I remember what Benji said to me earlier about hanging pride flags around my house.

"Benji, do you want to help me hang up some pride flags before they get here?"

"Sure! Which flags do you want?"

"I'll hang up an asexual flag, and you can hang up a rainbow flag," I tell them, getting pride flags on the nearest tablet.

Benji and I hang them up in the living room next to each other. We get them up just before hearing a knock at the door. I open the door to see Maddy and welcome her in, giving her a short tour. Talan rings the doorbell not long after and I let him in. I grab a bunch of snacks and lead them to the gaming room. Benji and I immediately take the bean bag chair while Talan sits in the gaming chair at the computer and Maddy takes the switch and sits in the corner.

"You guys can make your own accounts on them, I don't mind."

"Sweet! This is awesome! We should have a gaming night here one a week," Benji suggests.

Everyone agrees as we play games, sometimes in silence. The other times people are raging or Benji and I are talking. Everyone eventually goes back to their rooms, Talan and Maddy leave first and Benji stays hour an hour longer before going to their room.

1098 words

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