Chapter 13

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Benji's face fills with worry as we run out of the hotel and to the small cafe where we teleported to. We get there and they frantically put the pass code in. We rush through it and it takes us back to HQ. We dash through the doors and see it. Everybody is fighting for their lives. There's some sort of creature in the lobby. It doesn't look like a demon, and isn't giving off any malicious vibes.

Phanters are swarming around it and attacking it. I feel sorry for the creature. It gets struck by a scythe and I feel agonized pain as I crumble on the ground. I look around to see that Benji has the same reaction.

"Did you feel that?" they ask, breathing heavily.

"I-I did," the creature gets struck again and it feels like my lungs have been crushed. 

Talan catches my eye and rushes over to us.

"What's going on? You guys weren't hit, so w-" he trails off, finally connecting the dots.

"That creature doesn't have any intent on- AGH- on killing. Why are people attacking i-it?" I start coughing up blood, "M-make them stop!"

I try getting up, but fail as Talan teleports to the monster.

"EVERYBODY STOP!!!" he yells, catching every Phanters' attention.

Their eyes start clouding over as they sit down on the floor. I notice Maddy and Mr.Silvia doing the same. So this is Talan's power that made him the scariest Phanter known. If this is his power, then why aren't Benji and I being affected by it?

"Alex, the monster. It's coming here."

They're right. The creature is making it's way to Benji and I. It stops and transforms into a human? Their image starts flickering between masculine and feminine until staying as combination of both. Their hair is the first thing I notice. Half of it is shaved off while the rest is cut to their ears. The shaved half is a blonde that looks like it could be white, and the other half is a silvery blue. They're wearing a butler uniform, complete with a tailcoat and pocket watch. The strangest thing about him is his eyes, they are both bright yellow. 

"Benji, Alex, I'm glad you two could make it. Come with me, we have a lot to discuss. Your shut in friend may join us."

Talan already looks ticked off as he walks over to join us. 

"My name is Alegra. Any pronouns are fine."

They lead us outside and into a cave that wasn't there before. We walk  through it and it ends up opening into a beautiful living room. The place that we came through closes and melds into the wall.

"Okay so, who are you? And how come Alex and Benji could feel your pain and knew that you didn't intend to harm us?" Talan asks, getting angrier with each question.

"This may come as a surprise, young Talan, but I am one of your ancestors. Not the one you immediately think about though. I am her sibling. Alex and Benji's link eventually connect with mine. I don't know the full extent of the science, but it's there."

"You're annoying."

"I thank you for your poor attempt at harming my feelings, but my ego and self esteem are much too low to be harmed. Sorry." Alegra does a peace sign.

"Self deprecating humour. I like this guy already, he seems fun," Benji laughs, aggravating Talan even more.

"So why did you need to talk to us?" I question.

"Ah, right, that. Well first off, I'd like to thank my young descendant for saving me even if it was useless. I wasn't in any harm."

"My friends were in harm! I wasn't saving you, you conceited brat!"

"Feisty, are we? No matter. Your insult was pathetic and very much incorrect. I am not conceited, nor am I a brat. Conceited people like themselves and have high self esteem, mainly from being popular and having friends to compliment them. I don't have high self esteem, or any friends. I am also not very popular and very poor."

"But you have such a nice place," Benji argues"

"They stole it. It's quite obvious," I tell them.

"That is almost one hundred percent correct. I killed the owners of the place and bought it for cheap because people thought it was haunted. That was decades ago, but I'm still here and making the best out of it."

"A cat!" Benji exclaims


"That's what he reminds me of. A cat. Just think about it."

Benji's right yet again. Even Alegra's actions and reactions are catlike. His appearance is the main part of it, though. The fact that he's perched on the top of the couch doesn't help.

"You're right!" Talan says.

"Aww, thanks! I love cats! Except I hate myself, so that clashes with your claims, but no matter. I brought you guys here because y'all are absolutely doomed! Me included. Though Talan doesn't have any links, the fact that he's related to me is enough to include him in it as well. There is a way to save us, but that would mean one of us dying again."

"What are you?"

"An ex-Phanter. For some reason I kept my abilities and appearance, but my eyes changed to my chosen eye colour. I'm not sure why I didn't go into the Underworld. Any-who, back to my doomful topic. Who are we killing off?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not killing anyone," Benji tells them.

"Then who's quitting?"

"No one,"

"Getting fired?"

"Nobody is going to be dying, quitting, or getting fired. We're going to find a different way through this."

"Well we have one year. If you can come up with some other way then go ahead and try. Also I'll be crashing at Alex's place because I'm getting kicked out."

"No! You c-" Talan begins to protest.

"Fine by me. It'll be nice to have a room mate."

"You can't just let him stay there!"

"Says who? I'm sure Mr.Silvia would be fine with it."

"Ah, fine!"

"They're gonna be here any minute! Grab anything you can and follow me!"

Benji and I help Alegra grab stuff and together we run off through the wall.

"Come on, Talan. Why didn't you grab anything?"

"Didn't feel like it. I also don't enjoy stealing."

"It technically wasn't stealing though. This stuff belongs to me until I sign their contracts, which I can do later."

We enter HQ and run past the Phanters. Most of them are just coming out of there dazes. No body notices us as we run upstairs to my room.

1057 words

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