Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Minx POV
After having a shifty slumber I wake up to Krism over me shaking me.
"We have twenty minutes until school starts, you might want to get ready!" I jump out and put my usual outfit on-
a plain t-shirt with a oversized sweatshirt, dark jeans and vans. I slip my school regulated phone in my back pocket when Krism hugs my arm, making me flinch.
"Sorry," I stutter out, for ever sense my mom started losing everything turning on me I can't let people touch me.
"Oh it's ok, I'm a clingy person, hopefully it doesn't bother you to much," she apolgizes, when Doxy and Kiwo join us. They show me to my first class, which appears to be English from the Shakespeare decor and grammar posters. The teacher sees me and shows me to a seat near the back, I then see a familiar face named Smarty sit behind me.
"Your the girl from the forest last night," he states, I look at him.
"Yes and?" I ask him, he holds his hands up when Ze sits in front of me.
"Hey Minx," he greets getting out a notebook. I nod when the teacher hands me the few things I needed for this class, apparently my aunt is paying me to be here while my mom is being watched. I feel all eyes on me as then a guy with curly brown hair walks in, he looks sleep deprived and hollow. He sits in the very back, slumping over letting his red hat going over his face.
"That's Chilled," Ze says, I look trying not to be caught staring. The bell rings, when the teacher closes the door.
"Hello class, today we have a new student, Michelle Nixon," he calls me up and I slide up, letting my hair cover my face. "Welcome to Soldier Academy," he finally says letting me sit down. A girl then comes in, she has black hair and looks really shaken.
"Sorry Mr. Bernard I was trying to organize my stuff when I lost my notebook-" he then puts his hand up, this must happen a lot.
"Lizzie it's ok, just take your seat," she sits next to me, smiling at me. Everyone here seems normal but I guess being around a lot of mess ups we look equal. Lizzie and I end up getting picked as partners for a project I move slightly closer and I see her notebook is filled with perfect notes.
"Hi I'm Lizzie, you must be Michelle," she says, she then looks at my notebook seeing my small-mixed-matched letters and doodles on the side.
"I prefer Minx but you can say Michelle," I say when we start working on the project.

~At the end of class~
Lizzie shows me to my next class which is drama-
It's filled with people of all sizes and personalities which is what I've always liked because we're all the same. The teacher smiles at me-
She has frizzy red hair and is wearing a very perky outfit.
"You must be Michelle, I'm Ms. Clay. Welcome to drama," she says checking her seating chart.
"Could you call me Minx?" I ask she nods and changes it on the paper. I sit next Krism and a guy named Felix. A guy with blonde hair sits next to me smiling, he has blue eyes and is wearing a shirt with a pug on it.
"I'm Pewds or Felix, you are?" He asks, his eyes have more of a slightly crazy look in them and his accent sounds Swedish, but I've been around people with that look in their eyes for years it doesn't effect me.
"Minx," I say louder than I've talked since last night.
"Cool, do you know Krism next you?" He ask making a gagging face.
"In fact she's my roommate," I say, crossing my arms and he puts his hands up.
"Fine you win, you seem like a fun girl want to join my friends and I at the café after school?" He asks, I nod. Krism sits next to me and smiles.
"Yay! You should meet Dave, he has been my friend since like elementary school," she calls over a guy with long hair, he smiles at her.
"Hey Krism who's this?" He has a British accent like me.
"Oh it's my new roommate Minx," she says when his eyes widen.
"Does your name happen to be Michelle Nixon?" He asks, I nod when it finally clicks in my brain, David Binary! I jump up and hug him.
"How long has been? Five years seems like a eternity without Minxie!" Dave says making me laugh.
"Wait this is Minx from your old primary school? She's nothing like you described her!" Krism says making me hide under my hair yet again. The bell rings and we all sit down when I see a guy with a bear hat on next to Felix.
"Hello class today we have Minx Nixon joining us today, would you mind doing some improv?" She asks, I nod and walk onto the stage, when she gives me my part, a elderly lady who only has a banana. I hold onto my hip as I hold a imaginary banana.
"If only I had bought the painkillers for my hips," I mutter loudly, making everyone laugh. I then pretend to fall. "I think I've fallen and can't get up! I need life support!" I yell out and everyone gets a hoot out of it, when I end.
"Great improv Minx, you can sit down now," Ms. Clay says and I sit in my seat Dave doing a thumbs up and Felix whispering 'great predicting your future,' I hit his arm as then we start the class.
Yay another chapter in a night!?!?! 'Good job Kry,' Thank you voices now goodnight everyone!

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