The Original Family || 1

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Elena walked into the Salvatore house with Bonnie. Elena was gonna help Bonnie learn a new spell. They sat in the living room and Elena grabbed Bonnie the candles for the spell. Before Bonnie could start the spell there was a loud bang upstairs. Stefan vamp speed into the living room. "Hey are you girls okay? I heard something fall," Stefan asked worried.

"Yeah we are fine. It came from upstairs," Bonnie said. "Damon!" Elena ran up the stairs and Stefan and Bonnie followed. Elena barged into their room and seen Damon with some other girl. "How could you?!" Elena yelled. Elena grabbed her suitcase and packed all of her clothes. Stefan and Bonnie helped Elena with her suitcases. "Elena let me explain please,"Damon followed them to the door.

"Just leave me alone okay," She walked towards her car. "Where are you going to stay?" Stefan asked. "I'm going to New Orleans. Care said if I was ever in town to visit her," Elena put her bags in the trunk. "I'm going with you," Bonnie said. "So am I. I'll meet you two at Bonnie's," Stefan walked towards the house.

Elena drove to Bonnie's house and waited for her to get her stuff. Stefan showed up and put his things in the trunk. Bonnie soon came out and put her things in the backseat next to Stefan. They started the 5 hour drive to New Orleans.


"I shouldn't have to tell you that people who cross me get hurt. I'm not a very forgiving person. I'm not merciful. I have no tolerance to people who betray me." Klaus said, "Yet you decided to make all my hybrids break the sire bond. I don't know if you did this because you're to brave or just to foolish. Probably both. Now you leave me no choice but to kill you. But of course before that I will kill everyone you ever loved." He finished.

"No! I'll make sure they don't turn on you," Alyssa said. "Why would I believe you, after what you did," Klaus grabbed her by the neck. "Klaus! Let go of the girl and listen to what she has to say, before you start killing." Caroline said.

"Fine." Klaus let go of her, "Tell me how you'll make sure the won't turn on me" Klaus demanded. "They know if we don't do as you say then you'll kill us and everyone we ever loved. So if we promise to stay loyal to you, that means you will not hurt us or our families" Alyssa said knowing what the hybrids would want. "So you all stay Loyal to Klaus and he will never hurt any of you or your loved ones," Caroline repeated and Alyssa nodded.

"Fine. But if you do something to cross me again, I will without any hesitation kill you and your loved ones I give you my word." Klaus promised. "Yes sir." Alyssa walked out of his study...more like ran out. "I'm proud of you," Caroline sat on his desk. "Really" Caroline nodded, "And why might that be?" He questioned.

"Because your being more reasonable and you are trying not to let your anger get the best of you," Caroline said. "Is that so," Klaus poured them both some bourbon. "It is," She took a sip. "Well Love, I do try my best." Klaus was standing between Caroline's legs.

"Let's go to the living room, Love." Klaus and Caroline walked out of the study and down the hall to the living room. They sat on the couch. "So Love, what are your plans for today?" Klaus poured himself and Caroline more bourbon. "I'm going to the French Quarter later to check on things" Caroline drank from her glass.


Elena parked her car outside of a Mansion that was a 5 minute drive from the French Quarter. "I think this is the place where they live," Elena got out of the car along with Bonnie and Stefan. They grabbed their luggage. "Okay let's go," Stefan said. They walked towards the entrance and the knocked on the door. Klaus opened the door.

"Well what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?" Klaus looked at the three with their luggage. "Guys what are you doing here?" Caroline asked as she opened the other door. "Well we needed to get away for Mystic Falls for a while." Elena said not wanting to bring up Damon cheating.

"Oh. Where is Damon?" Caroline asked. "Can we come in and we'll tell you everything" Bonnie said. "Of course sorry, Come in" Caroline moved out of the way and had them follow her and Klaus to the living room. "So where is Damon?" Caroline asked and they all sat down on the sofa's. "He doesn't know we are here" Stefan said. "Why not" Klaus asked. "He cheated on me and I wanted a fresh," Elena said. "He what!?" Caroline stood up from the sofa and started pacing back and forth thinking of ways to torture and kill him.

"Love, Calm down and stop thinking of ways to kill the bastard," Klaus got up and rubbed Caroline's arms to calm her down. "Well you three can live with us," Klaus said. "Thank you," Bonnie said. "It's no bother, we have more than enough rooms," Klaus said.

"Who was at the door Nik?" Rebekah asked as she walked into the living room. Elijah and Kol walked out of the Library with Freya. They were shock to see Elena, Stefan, and Bonnie in their living room. "Rebekah can you please get the guest rooms ready? Our old friends will be living with us," Klaus said. "Yes Nik, I'll set up their new rooms" Rebekah started to walked out of the living room. "Stefan can you help my Sister?" Klaus asked. "Sure," Stefan quickly caught up with Rebekah.

"Since you two are gonna be living in New Orleans, You're gonna need protection," Klaus said. "Elijah will be looking after Elena and Kol will be looking after Bonnie." Klaus finished. "We don't need protection." Elena said. "Elena we are simply looking out for you and I sure Kol could help Bonnie with her magic," Elijah said. 

"Kol help me with magic." Bonnie started to laugh. "Darling, I was a child prodigy." Kol was being serious. Bonnie looked at Elijah for confirmation and he simply nodded his head.  

"Well then, can you show us our rooms?" Elena asked. "Of course. Elena I'll take you to your room and Kol will take Bonnie to hers. Seeing as Rebekah and Stefan should have finished setting them up." 

They walked up the stairs. "Freya can you help me with something?" Caroline asked after Klaus walked back into his study. "Sure what is it?" Freya asked. Caroline walked over to her and showed her a piece of paper.

Next time on The Original Family...

"Love, Are you Jealous?"

"Kol that is to much"

"You deserve better Elena."


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