Chapter V

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*One tape undone I thought to myself as I counted off in my head. I felt like my hands couldn't move after the first tape. I sat there and stared at the second tape of Landon's diaper and it felt like time stood still. My heart was beating a million beats per minute and my hands kept shaking uncontrollably. And yet, deep down, I felt like it was my responsibility to remain calm and remember to breathe. I closed my eyes for just a brief moment as I took a couple deep breaths in and out until I could ease my anxiety enough to speak. Right before I attempted to undo the second tape, I looked down at Landon still happily suckling on his bottle of milk. *

"Hey little buddy," I cooed. "Do you know how to count?"

*Landon's eyes widened, and I could sense his little smile as he nodded 'yes.' *

"Well, I already did one tape... What comes next?" I asked as my hand maneuvered over to the second tape.

*He gulped down one more sip before removing the bottle half-finished from his mouth and setting it beside him. After doing so, he then looked back at me with his face filled red with embarrassment as he tried to hide behind his stuffed animal and mumble 'two.' I smiled as I admired how cute he was. I then took my hands and started to tickle his tummy. *

"I'm sorry little one, what was that number after one?" I asked as I kept tickling him and watching him squirm and giggle.

"Two... two... tttttwwwwwoooooooo" he finally managed to say in-between the laughs and giggles.

*Just then I stopped tickling him and moved my hands back towards the second tape ready to undo it. *

"That's right baby, good job! You are so smart!" I exclaimed as I finally managed to undo the second tape. "Do you know what comes after two?" I asked as I moved my hands over to the third tape.

*Landon managed to let out a giggle and cover his face*

"Cutie pie! Do you know what comes after two?" I asked again.

"Fwree?" he responded back in almost a question like tone.

I smile down at him as I undo the third tape and exclaim, "Yep! Three is right after two."

*I then grabbed the wipes next to me, opened the package, and pulled one towelette out of the package so I was better prepared for later, and laid it on gently top of the opened package of wipes. My hands then maneuvered over to the final tape. *

"Okay, last tape" I exclaimed. "What comes after three?"

*Landon giggled again and hesitated for a second as he stared at his stuffed animal. *

"uhhhh.... ummm... dis many!" he exclaimed as he looked up at me and held up four fingers.

"That's right! You are one smart cookie." I reassured him as I started to undo the final tape of Landon's diaper.

*I could sense him getting nervous. He wiggled and maneuvered around like he was about ready to turn over and crawl away. *

"Hey, hey little mister. Where do you think your going?" I asked as I stopped undoing the fourth tape and pushed his legs down a bit so he couldn't turn over.

*I noticed that he was getting fussier by the second and I realized it was because he didn't finish his bottle. *

I finally got Landon's attention and stated, "Hey little cutie, if you lay still, I can hold you and give you the rest of your bottle. Would you like that?"

*He stopped for a second and then rubbed his eyes and shyly nodded his head 'yes.' I noticed that his paci was still clipped to his shirt so quickly I leaned forward and managed to grab it and place it in his mouth. I quickly went back to undoing the fourth tape of Landon's diaper when all of a sudden, I heard little pitter-patter steps running down the hallway towards the living room entryway. 'Oh no' I thought to myself. That can not possibly be Kyle ready for Landon to play, not now! I am literally in the middle of changing Landon. All of a sudden it got quiet, too quiet... I turned around to see that Kyle was standing right in the entryway holding his stuffed animal and ready to play. *

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