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*After the phone call I glanced around the kitchen feeling minor hits of anxiety as I saw the trail of messes that were made from all the little ones and their excitement. 'What a day' I kept thinking to myself over and over again as I turned on some soft music on 'Alexa' and started cleaning. Before I knew it I heard the front door open and Kyle and Landon carrying a conversation walking through the door.*

Kyle: "Hello? Anyone home?"

*What time is it? I kept thinking to myself. Could it have been an hour already? I set down a plate on the drying rack, turned off the water to the kitchen sink, and wiped my soapy hands on the dish towel. I reached for my phone sitting on the kitchen counter and recognized that I had two missed calls and two texts from Kyle updating me on when they were planning to be home. I looked up from my phone to see Kyle and Landon walking through the entryway and entering the kitchen.*

Kyle: "Hi honey, how's your day been?" he asked as he walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Rebecca: "It's been busy, but great!" I responded.

Landon: "How's Cece?"

*Kyle and I looked at each other and smirked at Landon in response to his question. He was so sweet and considerate to be thinking about Cece.*

Rebecca: "She's great. I am sorry I didn't see Kyle's messages and I didn't hear my phone ring or otherwise I would've woken her up already."

Landon: "It's okay, clearly she really need that deep comfort sleep."

Rebecca: "She definitely needed it. She needed the time; that's for sure. It's been like an hour and a half, let me see if she's up?"

*Landon seemed excited at the idea as his eyes widened.*

Landon: "That would be great. "

*I started to walk out of the kitchen and quickly turned around to Kyle and Landon.*

Rebecca: "Do you guys maybe want to look at different options for take-out dinner tonight while I go check on Cece?"

Kyle: "Yeah, we can look at some options."

*I watched as Kyle and Landon sat down on the bar stools while staring down at their phones looking up different take-out options and carrying an on-going conversation. I turned back around and started walking towards the end of the hallway to the nursey. I stood outside the nursery and slowly opened the door to the nursey. I looked in and recognized how much the curtains blocked out the light coming into the room, no wonder Cece was sleeping for so long. The room as dark and quiet with the slight illumination from the little nightlight in the corner of the room. I could still hear the subtle lullaby music still playing ever so softly in the room. I slowly walked into the room and made my way towards the edge of the crib. I quietly dropped the side of the crib and saw Cece still sound asleep. She was curled into a little ball sucking on her thumb for comfort. I slowly started to rub Cece's back.*

Rebecca: "Cece... it's time to wake up sweet girl."

*I continued to rub her back as she slowly started to wake up and whine in exhaustion.*

Rebecca: "You had such a long and deep sleep, huh?"

*I watched as she slowly started to uncurl from her little ball, take her thumb out of her mouth, and stretch. She turned on her side towards me and started to rub her eyes. I took the blanket off of Cece and started to undue her onesie.*

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