August 11th, 2020

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Hey... It's been what? three days... Oops! To be fair I was very busy. These past days were my only vacation days from being in school. I had work on Sunday. Talked to MA A LOT! He has a familiar sense of humor. I've become better friends with BY. He's super cool. Then I went to AV's house for a sleepover. Spent the first half of Monday with her. Then SC came to get me, and we went to the beach. After, we drove to GE's house for a couple of hours. First day of school today. It was Whack. GK cracks me up. Then I had senior pictures. Weird. After, I had work. No one was there, so I didn't talk much. Now, I'm about to go to bed. I'm really tired. Till next time.


Time Stamp {12:08 a.m.}

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