August 16th, 2020

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I'm... not okay. I'm exhausted physically, mentally, emotionally... These past few days have been hard. I barely slept and I was only home for a couple hours to sleep each night. My mind keeps going back to that dark place. It's getting harder to stop it from doing that. I think GK is mad at me. I don't really know why. He did hurt my feelings a couple of time though. He doesn't know that. Sorry for not writing again. I told myself I was going to write every night. You can see how that's worked out. JE had his surgery. Of course he was a big baby about it. Mom was even going along with it. When I had surgery, I was the one who took care of myself. It makes no sense. Mom was in Las Vegas all weekend. Another "girls" trip. I found out that MA left for college already. He didn't even say goodbye. It's okay though because we've been texting everyday. I'm gonna miss him. Till next time.


Time Stamp {11:43 p.m.}

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