-Logicality Fluff- Midnight baking

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It was late, Patton knew this, but he just couldn't stop tossing and turning.
It was nearly midnight, and Patton knew everyone was already asleep, and he wasn't going to wake someone up just because of his restlessness.
So what could he do?
An idea came to him, "I think I'll bake some cookies!" He said, quietly, but excitedly.
He quickly grabbed and slid into his soft, baby blue housecoat before tip-toeing down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Patton took out the supplies and ingredients before starting to put everything together.
He began to hum 'I do Adore' quietly as he mixed the cookie dough, aiding chocolate chips to it.


A calm and quiet voice said from behind Patton, causing him to jump. He swirled around and pointed his spoon at whoever was behind him, brandishing it like a sword.
He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Logan standing there in his one-sie, hair clearly unbrushed.
"Patton? What ever are you doing up at such a late hour?"
Logan asked confusion etched on his face.
"I.. Uhm... I couldn't sleep, I'm baking some cookies!"
Pat said happily, smiling a smile bright enough to cause Logan to blush ever so slightly.
"So, why are you up so late, Logie?"
Patton asked accusingly, cocking his head to the right ever so slightly.
"I was reading in bed right before I heard footsteps come to the kitchen. So I got up, intrigued at who might be up so late."
Logan said calmly.
Pat nodded, satisfied with Logan's explanation.
"Well.. since you're already up, would you like to help me put the cookies on the baking sheet?" He asked, a kind smile on his lips.
Logan nodded, giving Pat a small smile. "Yes, I would like to help with the cookies."
Logan took his place beside Patton and helped put cookies on the cookie sheets.
Patton preheated the oven, glancing at Logan, who was still concentrating on placing the cookies.
He a mischievous grin plastered itself on his face as he took some of the sticky cookie dough onto his finger, and placed it on Logan's nose.
Logan scrunched up his nose, having felt the cold, raw cookie on his nose.
Pat giggled, covering his mouth with his hand, giving Logan an innocent look as he turned his head to look at him.

"You.. put..cookie dough on my.. nose?" Logan said slowly, his sentence sounding more like a question.

Logan blushed when he heard Patton's small giggles, his beautiful eyes shining in delight.
Subconsciously, Logan moved closer to Patton, unaware of the gentle smile he had on his lips.
Patton slowly stopped giggling, looking at Logan with confusion, then with gentleness in his eyes.
They shared a smile, a look that only people who deeply care about each other can have.
Patton moved in closer, looking back and forth between Logan's eyes and lips.

"Logan.. can I kiss you?" Patton asked, unaware of how absurd the question was.
"Yes, you may Patton." Logan almost whispered, due to how close they were to each other now.
Patton leaned in, placing a sweet and gentle kiss on Logan's lips, wrapping his arms around his neck.
Logan's arms found their way to wrap around Patton's waist, holding him gently.
They both pulled apart, the warmth of the kiss on their lips still evident as they smiled softly at each other.
"Hey... Patton?" Logan asked quietly, his arms still wrapped around Pat's waist.
"Yeah, Logan?"

"You've got a bit of cookie dough on your cheek, now," Logan said, grinning.

Hope you enjoyed this one-shot! There are many more to come, so stay tuned!

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