-Royality ????- Shouldn't be here 3

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Warnings: Unsympathetic Patton and Dark Roman, Mafia AU / Human AU, cussing, weapons, murder, blood, if there's anymore, tell me.

Summary: Patton, Roman and Virgil are in a bit of a predicament that involves an entire mafia gang wanting them dead... not a problem for these 3 though.. right?

-Roman's pov-

I panted as I crawled after Virgil and Patton, hopping to god they wouldn't be able to hear us in the vents over the sirens and shouts.
Suddenly there's a loud bang! Then a clang sound reverberating off the vents, and it repeats until that's all I could hear.
I turn to look behind me and see that there are multiple bullet holes in the vent behind us, and they're starting to become rapid fire.
"Faster! Crawl faster!" I yelled, pushing the man in front of me slightly until Virgil started crawling quicker.
"Pat! Take the lead!" I yelled, knowing he had memorize the vent route before we leaft.

My boyfriend nodded and squeezed his way in front of Virgil right before we hit a fork in the vent, and he turned right, then left, then-


We all screamed as the vents behind us exploded, barely letting us continue with our lives, until another BOOM! Could be heard, this time from in front of us, and then we were falling, but not for long.
The three of us hit the ground with a loud thud.
I groaned as I registered what happened, before quickly jumping up to face the men who were surrounding us.
"Fine... I guess we'll have to do this the device and conquer way.."

I whispered to myself as sudden screams burst into the air.
I threw a grenade, and that's when the war started.
"Catch!" Patton yelled to Virgil as he tossed him hid pistol, and he caught it easily, starting to shoot at people's head's instantly, not once missing that fatal 1 shot.
Assassin's are awesome.
Soon it was 1000 against 3 and a shit tone of explosives.

Booms and blood spraying was all there was.
I was taking on 3 at a time, stabbing and cutting them with my katanas as Patton threw grenades and Virgil fired Patton's pistol.
Suddenly Pat threw three smoke bombs at once, causing me to receive a bullet wound to the shoulder, and he ran around the room.
"What the hell are you doing?"
A series of loud booms could be heard, and I knew he had just thrown his precious grenades at random men and women while we were all still blind.

"Let's go!" Pat suddenly screamed, grabbing mine and Virgil's hand and weaving through the chaos.
People were hot in persuit, but most were too injured to do much, and we fled to the tunnels, never stopping to catch our break until we got to the Jeep.
There were screams as the base behind us exploded, probably due to explosives Patton had put in the vents and outside as we were entering..
That little shit..

I was the one driving, and I spead through the city back to our base, still panting as blood seeped out of my wounds.
I blinked, letting what just happened sink in, and I heard Patton start laughing, quietly at first, until he was practically breathless as he heaved out laughter.
Without realising Virgil and I joined in, laughing at the ridiculously small chance of us being alive.
Soon, we reached the base, and I drifted to a stop in front of the doors, getting out and tossing the keys to a boy who watched us enter the large building, stunned.

As soon as we walked in Logan greeted us and lead us to the infermary where we were treated for wounds.
I had gotten shot about 3 times, twice in the chest and once in my arm, and I had to get surgery, and I was cut badly from flying metal and debris from the grenades.
Patton was shot once in the arm and had a few minor wounds, but didn't really need anything but stitches and tweezers to remove the bullet, which had barely entered his arm.
Virgil had many major cuts, but did not get shot.

"You did a great job. Our enemies should have they're plans severely damaged thanks to all the damage you three did." Logan said after we had been patched up.
He walked up to Virgil, his face letting no emotion show.
"Welcome to the Crimson Devils Mafia. It's nice of you to join us." Logan said, shaking Virgil's hand.
I smiled and turned to my dear Pat, and he smiled back.

"I love you.." He said, smiling.
"I love you too.." I replied quietly as I kissed him softly.. but then it became more heated and...
Let's just say everyone knew to evacuate the infermary.

I'll make more parts to this story if you request it in the coments. So, if you want more, be sure to tell me!

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