Chapter Sixteen - To Aid Gondor

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Adriel sat on the end of one of the hall's hard wooden benches, her elbow rested on the table's surface, her head was supported by her open palm as she tiredly watched Theoden pick up a log. Legolas stood close beside Adriel, the Woodland Prince's arms over his chest as he also watched Theoden add logs to the small fire that danced in the hearth. Adriel felt her eyes droop as she fought off the urge to close them, despite Legolas staying by her side the entire night the darkness behind the Witch's eyelids was plagued by the image of Aragorn's lifeless face. A sudden hand on Adriel's shoulder made her jump into a straight up sitting position, her head snapped towards Legolas who furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes met hers.

"Sorry," Adriel mumbled as she plopped her elbow back onto the table top. The Witch could feel someone staring at her, she slowly turned her head to face where Pippin was sitting isolated to her left. Adriel offered the sullen looking halfling the biggest smile she could muster, Pippin's sad eyes met hers for only a brief second before his eyes darted back towards the floor. Adriel looked to where Merry stood beside him, the usually cheery Hobbit gave her a sad smile before returning his attention to trying to comfort Pippin. A small frown worked its way onto Adriel's face as she rested her chin back onto her palm and turned her attention to Gandalf who was now pacing in front of her.

"There was no lie in Pippin's eyes. A fool, but an honest fool he remains," Gandalf spoke up as he looked over to Pippin who wore a solemn look on his face, "he told Sauron nothing of Frodo and the Ring." Gimli sighed as he plopped down on the bench on the opposite side of the table. "We've been strangely fortunate. Pippin and Adriel saw in the palantir a glimpse of the enemy's plan," Adriel grimaced and squeezed her eyes shut at the thought of being used as a weapon against her own family and friends, "Sauron moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith. His defeat at Helm's Deep showed our enemy two things. He knows the heir of Elendil has come fourth and men are not as weak as he supposed. He also knows that the Witches prophecy has been set in motion and that Adriel is not on his side. There is courage still, strength enough to challenge him. Sauron fears this. He will try to sway you, Adriel, he already has." Gandalf's voice rang clear through the hall as he turned to look down at her, Legolas's grip on Adriel's shoulder tightened slightly as Gandalf mentioned her. She glanced up to where Aragorn stood to her right, her golden eyes met his as he was already looking at her. He offered the Witch a small nod before looking back towards Gandalf.

"He will continue and when he does I will not budge. My allegiance lies with men," Adriel affirmed as she met the wizard's gaze. Gandalf nodded to her before turning back to Theoden and continuing to speak. Though Adriel sounded confident she was truly terrified, could she ward off Sauron's evil? Was she strong enough?

"He will not risk the peoples of Middle-Earth uniting under one banner. He will raze Minas Tirith to the ground before he sees a king return to the throne of men. If the beacon of Gondor is lit, Rohan must be ready for war," Gandalf said, his tone was both urgent and grave.

"Tell me, why should we ride to aid of those who did not come to ours? What do we owe Gondor?" Theoden grumbled from where he stood on the other side of the hearth. Adriel rolled her eyes and stood from where she had been sitting.

"You never called for their aid, only by luck did we barely survive Helm's Deep and at a great cost," Adriel said coolly as she sent Theoden a glare before turning to Gandalf, "I will go." Legolas grabbed tightly onto her hand, silently begging her not to go. Adriel didn't turn to face the Elf for fear of his scared eyes swaying her will to go.

"No!" the wizard quickly responded as he spun around to face Adriel. She frowned.

"They must be warned," Adriel argued, Aragorn took a large step forwards so the Witch now stood between him and Legolas. Legolas gripped her hand tighter. Adriel squeezed his hand to reassure him, still avoiding his gaze.

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