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This chapter I updated coz I got a request from UnaizaSiddiqui that she wanted the next chapter!! So this is for her!!!

You may continue.

She sat on a seat and someone exclaimed, "Heyy."

She turned and smiled.

The guy continued, "So, Are you free? Or you wanna go home?"

She replied, "I'm free, Vinay."

Vinay said, "So let's start, actually Dad and Mom are Canadian Citizen so, I was born here and brought up as well."

She replied, "Wow! that's great, I was born in India and brought up as well."

Vinay continued, "I've no sibling, btw."

Alia exclaimed, "I have two sisters and a brother but my bro kicked the bucket, the sisters are Diya and Jhanvi, my brother's name was Rana and btw, Papa passed away too so, I've only Ma and my two sisters."

He nodded and smiled.


Akshay and Niraj were talking to Diya and Jhanvi.

Akshay exclaimed, "I can't see Bhai like this, do you guys have any idea where Alia is?"

Diya replied, "Ma just said that they were going to US but Jhanvi and I got an information that they didn't go there, we don't know where they're."

Niraj said, "We have to find out about them, it became 5yrs since all of us are separated."

Jhanvi replied, "Yeah, that's true."

Diya continued, "I also remember something, around 2yrs ago Di had called me, she asked me about our health and told us to take care of ourselves but after saying that I heard someone telling her from behind that Kabir is waiting for you at Stanley Park."

Akshay replied, "Stanley Park is in Vancouver and Vancouver is in Canada, so they are there."

Jhanvi said, "Then why are you guys waiting? Let's go."

They nodded.


Saleem exclaimed, "I've looked everywhere in Mumbai but Alia Oberoi is nowhere to be found, Boss."

Riz replied, "Find her, we'll get her soon."

Saleem continued, "But boss, why do you want her? What's your relation with her?"

Riz replied, "You don't need to know that, Saleem."


Alia reached home and Vinay was with her.

Kabir saw them and asked her, "Alia, Who's this guy?"

She replied, "He's my friend named Vinay."

She told him everything about how they met.

Kabir continued, "Nice to meet you Vinay, I'm her best friend Kabir."

Vinay replied, "I know, she told me."

Kabir nodded and smiled.

Alia exclaimed, "Vinay, come in with us."

All of them get in.

That time, there was a phone call for Alia and she picked up.

Alia said, "Yes, Who's this?"

Diya replied, "Di it's me Diya, I really miss you, when will you come back here?"

Alia was shocked.

Diya continued, "Di, are you listening to me?"

Alia replied, "No Diya, I'll be here forever."

Diya said, "Di, Bhavin misses you a lot, Jhanvi is fine but she also misses you."

Alia replied, "Tell him to forget me coz I'll soon get married and give lots of love to Jhanvi."

Diya exclaimed, "Di, you're getting married but to whom?"

She replied, "You don't need to know, Diya."

Diya continued, "Di we need you, please come back."

She replied, "Bye Diya, don't call me again."

Alia disconnected the phone call.


Diya said, "Jhanvi, Di's getting married."

Bhavin heard that and exclaimed, "let's go to Canada, I want to meet her, she can't marry anyone else apart from me."

Niraj replied, "But Bhavin, she never told you that she loves you."

Bhavin continued, "She does but if she doesn't realize it then she's a fool, I really love her dude!"


Riz exclaimed, "Priyanka, you know what I really loved you and you also loved me then why did you marry that Vivek Oberoi, That day when I saw you with him I was really jealous."

Saleem came to him and said, "Boss, I got an information that Alia is in Canada and so, I booked tickets for today 10pm."

Riz replied, "Very good Job, Saleem."

Riz packed his stuffs and got out of his house.

He entered his car and went to the Airport.


Alia exclaimed, "Sit Vinay, let me change my clothes I'm coming."

She went upstairs and Kabir followed her.

Kabir said, "But I have a suspect on Vinay, I guess he knows us very well from before."

Alia was shocked.

This is it!! It's a short update. Actually, I'm really busy so I'll not may be able to update the next chapter soon!!

Your writer,

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