.1. Time Travelling

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Waking up and realizing you are not in your bed can be quite terrifying. And you knew that feeling really well. Before going to bed, you didn't think you would wake up on a hard stone floor while your old headmaster (who was also supposed to be dead) was hovering over you. The first thought that came to your mind was 'Oh sh*t! I died'. But after talking with a very young-looking and not dead Dumbledore you were even more confused. But you weren't dead (yet), so that was something. You weren't dreaming (you pinched yourself and it hurt like a b*tch) so that was out of the way.

"So, you are telling me I am somehow in the past? And... how do you know that?" you questioned, while you felt yourself lose several brain cells.

"An anonymous person sent me a letter." Dumbledore smiled like he had no care in the world.

"Well, can I at least see the letter?"

"I am afraid I have lost the letter somewhere." His eyes twinkled for some unknown reason.

You groaned. You knew you wouldn't get anything out of that old man. So, you asked the next thing that came to your mind.

"So... when can I leave?"

"I am not sure."

"What did the letter even say?"

"I seem to have forgotten most of it."

...Oh how you wished he was dead.

"Are you ok, Miss L/N?" Dumbledore asked cutting my trail of thoughts.

'Yes, I am perfectly fine. It's not like I just woke up in the past. Yup, definitely fine.' You thought sarcastically before just answering with a "Yeah, I am fine."

"What am I supposed to do now?"

"Be sorted, of course."

You sat down on the stool and Dumbledore put the sorting hat on your head.

'Here we go again.' You thought while you made yourself a little comfortable on the stool.

"Hmmm, I see. I have sorted you before. So Miss L/N would you like to be sorted in the same house?"

'Oh mighty hat, do you have any idea why I am here? Or how I am here?' You thought hoping to get some answers.

"I don't have all the answers. I am merely a sorting hat. But I do know where to put you."

'Slytherin. Duh. I mean I was in Slytherin before so...'

"Yes but you have changed over the past few years. You could get in Gryffindor-"

'Nah. Slytherin all the way.'

"Are you sure? You could-"

'Yes, I am a hundred percent sure.'

"Alright then.If you say so. Better be SLYTHERIN"


You walked towards the Slytherin common room. It was a sunny day. So, most of the students were outside enjoying the weather while others were probably in the library. Walking through the empty hallway got boring so you let yourself get lost in your mind.

'Alright, if someone asks then I am a transfer from Ilvermorny. I apparently live with my aunt. All my things are now magically in the dorm. Or that's what Dumblydore said. I could head to the kitchen afterward. I am quite hungry.'

'Why am I here? There must be a reason. And there is definitely something Dumbledore isn't telling me.'

'What was the password for the common room-? Oh right. "PURITY" is really creative. Note the sarcasm.' You snorted.

You turned a corner and bumped into a wall. You were so lost in thought that you couldn't stop yourself from falling afterward.

'Stupid wall-'

You looked up from the ground to glare at the wall, while a few strands of your H/C hair fell in front of your eyes. But it was not a wall. It was someone. Someone who looked familiar to you.

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