Chapter 6: O///O

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My vision blurred and slowly everything turned black.But before losing consciousness I heard a voice whisper.

"-but remember curiosity kills the cat."

||Y/N's P.O.V||

I opened my eyes and groaned.I had a really bad headache.I sat up and looked at my surroundings.I was in Merrythought 's office (I have been spelling her name wrong and I just realized ;w;) and no one was around.Oh right I was here for detention...but how did I end up on the floor?

"-but remember curiosity kills the cat."

Who said that...? I stood up and saw a piece of paper on Merrythought 's desk.Oh right i was going to pick that up.

I walked towards the piece of paper and picked it up.

I have a meeting.Your detention will be held some other day.


The note seemed to be scrawled hastily.I sighed.Ugh that headache.I need to go to the hospital wing.

It's still seemed off.I mean I had coffee before coming here.So i couldn't have 'fallen asleep'.

...Unless there was something in the coffee.But that's highly unlikely.I mean I was there when the elves made the coffee.

I bumped into someone while I was thinking.I seemed to do that a lot.

"Hey Y/N are you ok?"said a very familiar voice.

"Yeah I am fine Malfoy."I said.Tho I figured from the look on his face that he didn't believe me. But he didn't push it.

"Again with the last name?"He changed the subject which I was ever so thankful about.

"Abraxas is too long."I pouted to which he just chuckled.

"So....who gave you that bracelet?"

"What bracelet-"I looked at my wrist and-



There was a bracelet around my wrist which I didn't know about!?

(Just pretend the encryption on it says "Happy Birthday Y/N" instead ;w;)

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(Just pretend the encryption on it says "Happy Birthday Y/N" instead ;w;)

"Happy Birthday Y/N.....?"I muttered to myself tho Malfoy heard it.

"Today is your birthday?And not only that but someone slipped that bracelet on your wrist and you didn't know!?"He looked surprised.

"Uh yes and yes.Maybe someone gave it to me when I was sleeping in the history class."

"And you didn't notice until now?"I nodded and chuckled nervously.

"Anyways I should get going.I kind of have a teeny tiny headache."I said but before I could take one step towards the hospital wing,Malfoy stopped me .

"But I didn't give you a gift!....You know what? I will take you on a date to Hogsmeade this weekend as a birthday gift."

"W-what! Y-you don't h-have to!"I squeaked.I was probably looking like a tomato.

"But I wan't to.So....I will see you later."He said walking away not even hearing my answer.

Great now I have to...

"Y/N! Why are you looking like a blushing mess in the middle of the hallway?YOU DO have a crush!!!"Mia said scaring me.

"GAH! Mia don't startle me like that! and NO I certainly DO NOT have a crush."

"Sure whatever you say."She said sarcastically.

"You know no one pranks around here.It's getting kinda boring."I said changing the subject.We started walking down the halls towards my destination.The hospital wing.

"Don't tell me you want to prank someone. If so then spare me I am your best friend."

"Of course I am not pranking you....And pigs can fly without magic."

"Oh c'mon there should be SOME advantages of having an annoying friend."

"Wow rude."I said fake pouting.To which she just chuckled.

"Anyways as your birthday is today-"

"How did you-"

"Let's just say a little birdie told me.Anyways I just found out and as its almost curfew we can't do much today.So....What about Ara and we go to Hogsmeade together?"

"I- uh already have plans.."

"With who?"She said curiously.

"Malfoy.BUT AS FRIENDS"I said the last words when I saw her expression.

"Sounds like a date"She chirped.

"Anyways as I was saying about the pranks-"

"You were being serious?"She sighed.

"Yes I was .I am going to do it near that winter ball or whatever."

"Well we still have some weeks."

"Mhm we do but until then I will do some small pranks on innocent victims."

"Please don't prank me."

"You are not innocent."I said in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

Author's Note:

Sorry the chapter is short.It was going to be a REALLY long chapter but I think I will just divide it into two .The  next chapter will be here fast.Because I have already written a part of it.IT WILL HAVE TOM RIDDLE I PROMISE.AND I WILL UPLOAD IT QUICK.I think?I dunno I have some cousins over my house and they will probably be here for some time.So I won't be able to upload that fast.I think.

Thanks for reading <3

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