Chapter 2: Meeting Tom Fricking Riddle

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I look up from the ground to glare at the wall.But its not a a wall.Its someone.Someone rather familiar.

||Y/N's P.O.V||

What the- MALFOY!?!?

Oh wait.He seems a bit different.But then younger Lucy?(Lucy is Lucius if you didn't know -w-) No it can't be.Lucy is an a**hole who will ask you your blood status before helping you up.Oh yeah he helped me up.

"Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going."That Malfoy-ish stranger says.

"Oh no it was my fault.I was too deep in thought ."Way too deep.

"I don't believe I have seen you around." That's another way of asking people's name. StRaNgEr DaNgEr!!!

"I am Y/N Frost.I just transferred here from Ilvermorny."Jeez i cant even say L/N.I guess I am stuck with Frost for now.

"I am Malfoy. Abraxas Malfoy"Now I know where Draco learned his introduction from.It runs in his family!!!

"Its a pleasure to meet you Mr. Malfoy"At least you are not a prat who boasts about literary everything all the time.Ahem ahem Draco . Ahem. Oh shit! I sound like Umbridge-

"The pleasure is all mine.But I think Abraxas will do."Malfoy- I mean Abraxas says while taking my hand and kissing it.Oh no OH NO! I probably look like a tomato now.Why do all the Malfoys have to be this handsome!?!?

"Er r-right then . I r-really should get going."Why am I stuttering!?!

"I could show you around if you want"Abraxas says while looking amused.He clearly finds me as a blushing mess amusing.DAMN YOU!!!

"I uh have to unpack and stuff"I already know my way around . And I had rather go to the kitchen afterwards.Please don't say-

"I can wait for you in the common room"Great.I mean I am okay with his company but I had rather not look like a tomato the whole time.I need a bath to calm myself down.

"Abraxas."A cold voice says from behind Abraxas.He turns around and stiffens.

"Oh h-hey Riddle"Abraxas says.Who is this Riddle dude? And why is Abraxas scared of him?Is he a big bad bully-

"I thought I told you to-"That rude stranger stops in mid sentence probably noticing me.

"O-oh! This is Y/N Frost .She is a transfer student and I was going to show her around."I want to see this stranger dude.

"I can show her around. You should go and... do that project you were assigned to do."Abraxas nods and after sending me an apologetic smile walks away.More like runs away.

I finally get the view of this dude and- 




He is so -

"You know its rude to stare."His voice snaps me out of my thoughts.I didn't notice I was staring.GREAT FIRST IMPRESSION Y/N!

"Oh s-sorry."Why am I stuttering so much!? I am supposed to be confident.

"My name is Tom Riddle.And I am the Slytherin Prefect.So if you need anything you can ask me."He says with a charming smile .ChArMiNg !? more like FaKe!

Wait a second.His name sounds familiar.




Meh Whatever.

"I should get going."I have some thinking to do.

"Wasn't Abraxas going to show  you around?"He says with another fake smile.

"Er...Yes he WAS going to but then someone told him to do something else."Why is he acting so-

"Right.Well I guess I could show you around."Another fake smile. Jeez. And he is saying that as if he is doing me a huge favor.

"No. Its alright.I think I will just settle in my dorm for now."I give him a fake smile.Ha! take that.He nods and walks away.

Welp now I know who to stay away from.

-At night,Y/N is sitting on her bed thinking on what just happened-

||Y/N's P.O.V||

So I am somehow 16 and in my sixth year.And its going to be my birthday in two days.Well I guess I have an advantage over other students.I already know all the stuff.

I don't know if there is a way to go home.Maybe I should search stuff on time travelling whenever I am free...I am gonna miss my friends.

Speaking of friends, I think I would let Abraxas be my friend.He seems nice.And that other dude-what was his name again?

Oh yeah Tom Riddle.He seems rude.But maybe I shouldn't judge him this early.

Tom Riddle....

It sounds so familiar...

Tom Riddle...




Wait maybe I am here so I can defeat voldylocks.I mean me and my friend did it once.

Hocrux hunting wouldn't be hard as I already know their places.And he wouldn't have made many as he is still a student .Maybe he made one or two.I should probably check the trophy room later.

So what do I know about him for now...

1-He is a monster. Stay away from him.

2-He is good at legilimency.Well HA I am good at occlumency.Take that!

3-He masks his emotions pretty well.But hey I can also put a mask on.You are not the only one heheheh.

4-He probably has an army of a few Slytherins-

Wait what if Abraxas is a part of his army !? I mean it is possible...

You know what!? I am done.That's too much thinking for one day. I need my precious beauty sleep.

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