chapter eleven

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"friends event coincidence"


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   "THERE'S NO WAY THAT EVAN Buckley is my Valentine's Day date."

   Lynn stared in disbelief as she watched Buck nibble on a piece of buttered bread, and she let out a soft sigh, knowing she had to walk over there and let him know that they had coincidentally been matched together.

   Then, the memory of yesterday's shift popped in Lynn's head. How Buck mentioned that it was all a solid in repayment to his friend, and she could only imagine that Lizzy had somehow convinced her boyfriend to tell the cute boy to ship her off with her sad, lonely sister on a date.

   Ignoring all the thoughts that told her to just walk straight outside before Buck saw her, she quietly and carefully walked her way over-mostly because these heels were a pain in her ass and she could hardly walk in them point blank period. When she was a few feet or so away, that was when Buck glanced up to the girl, at first there was excitement in his eyes, but then it quickly switched to confusion when he recognized his coworker.

   "Evie?" Buck questioned, and then his blue eyes gazed down to what she was wearing, and his pink lips seemed to separate into the smallest of gasps. Suddenly, that same uncomfortable feeling arose in her stomach, making knots form. "Wow-you look, just, wow."

   Lynn took a second to examine the boy for herself. He was wearing a tight white undershirt that he clearly wore because it flaunted his muscles, covered by a dark blue jacket with matching pants. He looked amazing, as per always, but somehow he looked much more neater.

   "Uh, thanks?" Lynn rose an eyebrow towards the boy, and then he finally tore his eyes from staring deeply at how amazingly perfect the black dress hugged every single one of her curves. "You clean up pretty nice yourself, Mr. Buckley."

   "Wait, Eve, why're you here? Don't you have a date?" Buck questioned, swallowing harshly where she could see his adam's apple bob. "Is this where you're meeting him?"

   "Yep, and you're waiting for the depressed, lonely girl, right?" Lynn fake smiled, turning her best to not have an offended expression.

   "Aw, c'mon, don't be mean," Buck scolded, and then he quickly scanned the restaurant before landing again on Lynn. "Turns out I might be stood up, she's almost twenty minutes late."

   "Ah, thank goodness you have a pretty face," Lynn smiled, patting his shoulder lightly, but he only seemed to be getting more confused by the second. "Evan, your roommate hooked you up on this blind date, no? Your roommate who just so happens to be my sisters boyfriend."

✓ 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄, 𝘦. 𝘣𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘺Where stories live. Discover now