chapter twenty one

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twenty one


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   Lynn landed another harsh punch on the black and red hanging punching bag, before turning over her shoulder to see who had spoken up. Her eyes landed on Bobby, who had a raised eyebrow pointed at the girl and then towards the heavily swinging punching bag.

   Maybe she had made it too noticeable.

   Only a shift ago was when Lynn stood witness to Hazel Allen commiting suicide in front of her, and she couldn't shake the feeling that had been following her ever since. If only Lynn hadn't gotten those two words mixed up, then maybe Hazel would've listened to her and put the gun down. Maybe she'd still be alive if she hadn't messed up.

   "I'm fine," Lynn said through clenched teeth, turning her attention back towards the punching bag as she let out a two function punch. Her hands were safely wrapped with a bandage along with punching gloves, however, she was starting to feel the effects of landing punch after punch with relentless force.

   "I didn't ask how you were doing, I asked if you had something on your mind," Bobby corrected, taking a few steps forward so he would behind the punching bag, helping Lynn keep it steady as she repeatedly punched it.

   "You know I do," Lynn answered simply, raising her leg to do a swing kick before landing swiftly. "That girl could've still be alive if I hadn't fucked up."

   Bobby seemed to tense up at Lynn actually swearing, since it was basically one of the first times he had ever heard a curse word come from her mouth.

   "Lynn, you cant beat yourself-or the punching bag-up for that."

   "Watch me," Lynn muttered, raising her hands to protect her face as she prepared for another round of few punches.

   "There's no way you could've known the outcome of that situation, Lynn," Bobby continued, simply ignoring her previous sarcastic comment. "If Buck or I would've went in there, there was certainly no way we could've talked her out, that's why I picked you. You did the best you could, and sometimes, that isn't even enough. People have their minds made up, there isn't much we can change if they won't listen."

   "No, Bobby, you don't understand!" Lynn suddenly snapped, throwing her arms down to the side instead of a easier position. "I-I saw her, I knew she wasn't going to pull that trigger when I first walked in. But after she heard me talk, Bobby, I swear I saw the second the light flipped off in her eyes. Like she had given up, and knew there was no coming back."

✓ 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄, 𝘦. 𝘣𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘺Where stories live. Discover now