chapter thirty three

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thirty three


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   THAT WAS THE first thing Evelynn Kennedy saw when she peeled open those ocean blue eyes. She groggily moaned, unconsciously, as her eyes fluttered open and the shining light from the cracked curtains only made the ringing thumping in her head worse. She took a second, just completely focused on her breathing as she tried to understand what the hell was going on.

   The last thing Lynn recalled was muttering her goodbyes over her radio as it seemed like she had given up; that her wound had succumbed her. But here she was, alive.

   As she finally started to finish her thinking, her eyes scanned the room she was contained in. Even before she had first woken up, she knew from the smell of cleaning products mixed with old people, she was in the hospital. So, she was currently wrapped with a itchy hospital blanket that ended up below her chest. Of course she also had the matching hospital gown underneath, covering her body. Her legs were stretched out, with her arms laying beside, but attached to her left hand, was another's.

   She glanced down to the feeling of attachment, and the smallest of smiles crossed her face as she immediately recognized the body.

   It was Evan Buckley.

   The man looked peacefully passed out with his head resting gently on Lynn's thigh, his face facing her, with his slender fingers intertwined with Lynn's. He looked worn out, though, with exhaustion covering his skin. He was currently wearing a soft looking grey hoodie, and dark grey sweats.

   "You're awake."

   Lynn jerked her head, which she immediately regretted once the pain only seemed to be worse, and a sad smile grew on her face as she identified her older sister.

   "Liz," Lynn whimpered softly, pouting her pink lips out as she immediately wanted to cry at the sight of her—happy tears, though.

   Through the talking, Buck had stirred in his sleep and shook his head as he suddenly awoke from his slumber. Lynn felt bad for disturbing the boy, but as soon as she saw the look on his face, she felt so much better.

   "Evie," Buck breathed out, examining the girl up and down, probably to see if he was still asleep and dreaming or if this was real. "Oh, my God."

   Instantly, much to Lynn's surprise, he rushed forward and wrapped his muscled arms around Lynn's frail body. She would've groaned out, but she clenched her jaw against the pain and just embraced Buck even further. She snaked her arms under his armpits and onto his back, snuggling her head into the crook of his neck.

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