chapter thirty five

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thirty five
"the end"

AND LIFE AS THEY KNEW it began once Evan Buckley and Evelynn Kennedy realized they were perfect for each other, perfect together. They made each other the happiest either of them had been, in a very long time.

   "Evan Buckley, this is the fanciest restaurant in town."

   Lynn gazed over her shoulder from staring at the wonderful and stunning restaurant sign, towards her boyfriend standing a few feet behind her. He took a step forward and snaked his arm around Lynn's waist, tugging her body even closer to his.

   It was their one year anniversary, and Buck had insisted on doing the absolute best for the love of his life. First thing in the morning, Buck had surprised Lynn in their shared bed with humongous pancakes and grilled bacon. Secondly, they gave each other their gifts; where Lynn had gotten Buck new sweats, a new watch, and a new pair of work boots. And Buck had gotten Lynn a sexy matching pair of bright red lingerie; his favorite color on the woman, along with a beautiful charm necklace, where inside the locket was a picture of everyone she could ever care about.

From Buck to Lizzy, Hen to Chimeny, Bobby to Eddie. It was Lynn's welcome back party to work after she was injured in the earthquake last year, and it was truly one of the best days of her life.

"That's because you, Evelynn Kennedy, deserve only the best," Buck explained to his love, leaning down a bit to plant a kiss softly on her forehead. Even after being with Buck for a year, she would still blush under his touch, she hoped she would never stop getting those butterflies.

But they still, just like every other couple, would get on each other's nerves as if the opposite was the most annoying, terrifying, and complex person they had ever met.

"Wow! Once again, Evan Buckley is the most jealous man!"

Lynn huffed out in annoyance as she swung her arms up in the air aimlessly, onto to have them fall back to her thighs. She glared harshly at Buck standing away from her, leaning both palms on the wooden table as he sucked in a deep breath.

"Do you even see the way guys look at you? Especially when you dress like that?" Buck shouted, pointing towards the black shirt that Lynn was currently wearing; it was a bit short, to be honest, but it was still her decision whether or not she wanted to go out with it.

She had only gone out clubbing with her girl friends; Hen, Maddie, the newest girl at work named Meghan, and a few that they invited along. It wasn't like she had purposely went out like this to gain males attention, it just so happened that every man started to drool as soon as they landed eyes on Lynn. Buck had heard about this, and was furious she even went out in the first place, saying anyone with a boyfriend shouldn't be out clubbing.

"Oh, so you're saying I'm dressing like a slut? Is that what you're getting at?" Lynn growled through gritted teeth, and she rose both her palms to push Buck's shoulder angrily, making him stumble a foot or so backwards. "I'm surprised, I mean, didn't you used to love fucking girls who dress like this?"

"You need to get over yourself, Evelynn," Buck snapped, his upper lip curling in anger as he tried to adjust his now fumbled shirt. "I'm not saying you're dressing like a slut, I'm just saying you shouldn't go out dressed like that because someone might get the idea—"

✓ 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄, 𝘦. 𝘣𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘺Where stories live. Discover now