IDK You. Sorry

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I found myself thinking until 4:43. I need to get to Justin's house. I got up and put some clothes in. Random red and black shirt, black skinny jeans, and some red vans all of this.usually made my eyes pop but today I flipped a bang to the front and put my glasses on.

I made my way to his house early 4:57. I just stude at.the do tryin to knock but to scared my hand wouldn't let me. When I finally knocked the door swung open with a short boy standing in front of me with a bowl o cereal sqwinting analyzing me. I could say he was like 13-14. He looked me in the eye and stoped chewing.

"Joshua one of your little buddys are here"he yelled not breaking eye contact

"Never mind joshua, its for me" Justin came from what I would assume was up stairs. Wearing nothin but boxers socks and a tang top. I blushed a little and walked in.


"Sup shorty,come with me"I'm not even that short. He took me to the kitchen where his I think mom was cookin she was a lovely lookin women. As tall as me, red head and a all blue jogging suit on.

"Who is this" she gave me a smile

"This is Jodi and he is my study partner " he gave me a pat on the back

"Oh, I forgot I fired that last slut I paid to study with you, so its $30 every study day ok will you be staying for dinner I hop you can" she gave me another smile and I smiled back fina answer her but Justin did for me.

"Yes he'll stay for dinner, we'll gone head up stairs k mom"

"K"we more like he ran up stairs to his room.I made it up stairs seeing him waiting for me in his door frame with that smirk that always made me blush.

"Make your self at home"I sate on the edge of his bed

"So what subject do you want to work on first?" He sate right next to me rubbing our legs together. I stood up and walked to his desk.

"We could umm.. start with t-the um one your h-having most trouble in"I tried to hide my blush plus my stutter

"Sex ed is my poorest subject, you could help me with that I mean if you want to but I learn faster when its hands on" he walked over to me pushing his chest on mine breathing on my upper lip. I turned my face and walked on the other side of his bed and kneed on the floor and sate my L-bos on the bed. I need to become domenici or he would chew me up and spit me out.

"Umm...ok sit on the other side like me"

"What ever you say shorty"

"I learned that most people work best when they have a reward or something to work for, if you do good what would you like your tret to be?"

"Umm let's see you could give me junk food, stay the night or a kiss and not just any kiss 15 seconds every kiss" OMG he wants to kiss me I/ k we kissed befor but that was by surprise this would be different. But still I'm going to take on his challenge.

"Well I don't have money for junk food, you know why I'm not going to stay the night, and ill kiss you only if your truly doing good" I stood my ground. He smiled at me

"Deal, so let's get started don't we" I made him stay in his spot

1 hour and 17 kisses later.

I had his English textbook in front of me reading one of the meny q and a's.

"How many wishes did the monkey paw have and what did the monkey paw do to the Wight family?"

"3 wishes and it riped them apart by twisting up the wish so it could have a bad out come" he smiled hoping it was right


"Yes" he fisted the air before pulling my head in so he could kiss me

15 seconds was over and he kept going. I pulled away before I could say anything he read my mind.

"That somewhat was extra credit"

He kept kissing. He put his hand under my shirt rubbing me. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. He kissed down to my neck and started sucking I moened pushing him away before he went any further. But he didn't buge.

"BOYS FOOD IS READY" his mom called. He cursed under his breath. He wanted to go all the way. It made me smirk he did to when he seen me. We walked down stairs. Seating at the dinning room table

"Where's dad" the little boy asked

"At work he's going to be lait "I still don't know her name so the red head said

"Umm Jodi are you ok with vegi pizza and lazona" red head

"Yes miss" I love lazona I care much for vegi pizza

"You can call me Stacy ok hun" she smiled at me and I nodded

Justin pulled my set really close to him to the point our legs are touching.

"So where's the one you call Joshua" he looked at the stairs

"JOSHUA COME EAT"Justin yelled up stairs

"WHAT WE EATING"Joshua yelled back


"Profanity" miss Stacy slapped Justin in the back of the head

I looked at the stairs shooked. I was angry, absolutely pissed. Joshua the ass hole Joshua was Justin's brother. I need not to make a scean. And forget what happen for now. He looked up at me confused.

"Jodi?" He was wondering why was I here and let my name slip out of his mouth. He sate across from me. Justin put his hands on my leg and rubes it as him his mom and his little brother  get into a heated conversation about something.

"Psss,pssss hay Jodi" Joshua taped my foot

"What do you want I'm trying to eat"

"Why aren't you talking to me I tryed calling you like ten times today" oh yea I blocked his number haha funny

"I'm sorry but I don't know you" I made a fake confused face

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