Bad night

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We got out the car and started to walk to the house. Lip seen some of his friends and pulled me to them one had a scare on his face I couldn't stop staring at it. It made him look tough and mean but he had a really pretty smile the other two had matching outfits on.

"Jodi this is Luke David and leani there brothers and this is jodi guys" I smiled and shook there hands. When david shook my hand I looked him right in the eyes and couldn't help but frown.

"Wat happen to his eye" I Omg I said it out loud I snatched my hand back and that all looked at me.

"Omg I am so so sorry I just I just I don't know please don't hit me" that all started laughing. I just looked confused.

David smudged my hair.

"Its all good kido i was just playing with my pallet gun and hurt myself" lip and his friends walked off.

"I'll be back in a min look around and see any of your friends k Bea" I walked into the house

It was just smokey loud and the smell of liqer filled my nose. Every one here was unnaturally big and strong looking. All I could see was grinding and couples making out. I looked for any familiar faces and seen no one. I striped and hit my hand on a counter I seen a scratch. It started to bleed pretty fast. All of a sudden I was falling to the floor.

"You don't belong here leave now" a strong very scary voice was standing over me. I look over and I see lip rushing to me.

"Step the fuck back man he is not bothering you" lip took a stand my hand was full on red now and dripping with blood. Lip and the big guy were now having a staring contest.

"Jodi go to the bathroom and clean your self up we are not going any were" I rushed off to the bathroom to rap my hand up and one of Lip's friends were here. Leani

"What happen to your hand it looks like it hurts" he grabbed it to examin it.

"Ohhh it dose hurt" he help me clean it and rap my hand up. I can't believe its still bleeding.

I walked out and couldn't find lip. I felt all eyes on me as I looked some people formed around me so I couldn't leave I was scared. I wanted to hit one of them but then I would have got jumped. And I don't want that.

"LIP HELP" I yelled for lip and he didn't come the big guy that push me down was now standing in front of me smiling.

"You don't belong here"

"I know I'm trying to leave" I had my head down no eye contact. He then spit in my hair as hard as he could. A tier fell from my eyes.


I ran past him and kept running until u got a block down the street from the house. I just sat there crying I didn't move I couldn't u felt hope less. I was crying so hard my body started to shake. I felt a hand on my back

"It's gone be all right let me help u" u assumed it was lip I wanted him there but I couldn't tell my eyes were full of tears and it didn't sound like him. I pushed him away aka(stranger danger) my mom mom tout me right.

"Please Jodi let me help u" he knows my name I have to know him he picked me up and I fell asleep in his arms. I felt so safe.

I woke up in my room I looked around and noticed I was in my pj the man that brought me home saw me naked kinda scary.

"MOM WEAR IS THE REST OF MY CLOTHES JODI BET NOT HAVE THEM" omg it can't be. The voice brought happiness to my body. I ran to my door and opens I and sure enough my twin was standing there wit the same big fat smile on his face as I did

I ran to his arms nearly falling down the stairs.

"HUNNY YOUR BROTHER IS GAY" mom yelled up the stairs

"Wait war???" My twin


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