Dome of Quaertz [1]

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The material of this room that faces the sun 

is transparent in nature, 

allowing natural illumination

to flow into the vast space.

Maybe it's quartz?

"You're right.  It is." 

Master answers,

his echo bouncing from the north.

It takes me by surprise.

My link wasn't off.

"Be mindful of your link,

Mr. Suiger."

he teases merrily.

Will do...

I sulk in shame,

hovering over the tomes 

located at the room's south.

They seem to be newly shipped...

but who ordered them?

"Mr. Suiger!

Have you seen Sferinth-green tomes?

My tomewards salvaged them yestermorn."

I look down to the tomes before me.

Sferinth-green indeed.

"They may be of help to us."

he adds.

Without hesitation, I link.

"Over here.

The tomes are here."

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