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His hands are sweaty despite the cold breeze, shying in the pockets of his jeans. Jungkook tiptoed a little and squints his eyes close to the half-tinted window of the studio for the umpteenth time. A few people have gone through the door, but there are no signs of her. It's Thursday...her class is at five every Thursday...

He peeks again at the watch on his wrist. It's 4.43...maybe she's on her wa-

"Excuse me,"

Jungkook jumped back a little as a voice came from beside him. A girl is looking at him weirdly, scanning him up and down.

"Are you interested to join a class? You've been standing here for half an hour now -"

"Ahh...no," His left hand reches to the back of his neck, nervous to be caught out like some sort of creep. "I um...I'm actually waiting for one of the instructor here,"

"Oh okay!" She sighed a smile. "Who are you looking for? I can call for you,"

"Um...her um...her name's Lisa Manoban. But maybe she's not here yet,"

The girl gave slight frown and nods. "I have to check. Give me a moment," She left without waiting for his response. Jungkook's eyes followed her inside and to the reception, picking up the phone and talking to someone.

His heart beats louder. This is it...this will be the first time he'll see her again since that night. Jungkook caught on his reflection. His hair is neat, but the bags under his eyes can't be helped. Never mind that - the most important thing right now is the first step forward.

He will see her again. And he will beg for her forgiveness. He will wait - however long it may take - for her to love him again...to come back home again. He's probably going to be lost at words a bit - no, now is not the time to doubt yourself! But...what if she refuses to see him? What if she sees him and runs? It's okay...it's okay if she runs, Jungkook will still wait for the day -

"Uh sir..." He turns to the girl who's back outside with him. "Sorry, I'm kinda new here so I had to check for the name. I was informed that Miss Lisa no longer works here. If you want, I can introduce you to the other instructors -"

"Hyejin-ah," Another woman came out from the entrance, calling for the girl in front of him. Her eyes pierced as they landed on Jungkook.

"Ah Miss Jessi," The girl, Hyejin, bowed slightly to the other. "This is the person looking -"

Jessi nods and signaled to the girl to get inside. She then crossed her arms, sauntering slowly towards him. Jungkook contemplates whether he should run or stand his ground. He knew the principal of the studio since Lisa started working here 2 years ago, of course. She was always sweet to Lisa - so different than how she's talking to most people, himself included. 

"I was right," She said, raising an eyebrow with a crooked smile at him. He could feel sweat forming on his forehead, intimidated by the demanding and judging presence that's now in front of him. "I guessed that you were the reason she quit,"

"She quit? When?" She loved dancing all her life, and she loved working here at the studio. This is so unexpected!

"About 4 months ago. Why are you looking for her?" There's that obviously unwelcomed tone in her voice, pestering him accusingly.

"Did she tell you where she's going?"

Jessi sighed another sarcastic laugh. "Yahh...even if she did, do you think I'd tell you?"

Jungkook can't help his defeated sigh, shutting his eyes as he looks down to his ground. What now? What can he do to find her? He literally has no idea where else she could be, here in Seoul.

"Please...please help me. It's really important," He breathed, hoping that the universe would still have a little mercy on him.

The woman stayed silent for a while - probably assessing his sincerity. 


Jungkook looks up to her.

"The last she called...she was in Busan. You can start there,"


"It'll be okay, baby..." He whispered as he held back the tears that are forming upon hearing her scared sobs. It's too painful to hear. When had she ever cried like this?

The late night call to meet here at the lake they always hung out was unexpected - even more when she came running into his chest, closing her arms tightly around him like he's the most precious thing ever. 

"I can't...I...I can't leave Busan...I can't leave you," Her voice cracks a little in between her sobs.

"And you're not - hey," He holds her at arms length and ducks down a little to look into her teary eyes. When he found them, he forces a smile. "You won't. I'll talk to them. I'll talk to my parents. I'm sure they'll help. My mom loves you as much as I do,"

Jungkook wanted to shout at her aunt for doing this now - God, he wants to shout at the world! But he can't...he has to be the brave one here. He has to be the stronger one for her. He needs to man up and protect what is his. And yes...she is his.

"I tried...I spoke to my mom and she -" She shook her head a little. "My dad's busy and I didn't get a chance to talk to him - God, I can't believe I only had one day to celebrate my graduation and -"

"Hey..." He pulls her back in and sighed. "You're not leaving. I won't let you,"

She continues sobbing in his arms as Jungkook began strategising the action plans that could possibly help them through this. They only graduated yesterday - celebrating the end of their highschool days and now...now they receive this news. 

Lisa's parents had left back to Thailand 6 months ago, leaving Lisa under the care of her aunt who wanted to work here. Since the next-door house was already bought for, they didn't mind that their daughter preferred to stay here instead of going back with them.

But now her aunt decided that she wasn't happy with the job and wanted to move back too, leaving no choice for Lisa's parents but to force her to follow suit since there's no one to look out for her. Didn't help the fact that Lisa no longer has a commitment here - just finished highschool and all.

No! She can't leave him! He can't imagine a life without her - there's no way that they could ever be apart! The thought of not being able to see her everyday creeps up and he felt his heart breaks a little.

"Shh...it'll be okay," He rubs her back gently, feeling so much like crying with her. They're barely 18...what can they do? 

"If...if I really have to leave...we'll still be friends right?"

"Yahh!!" He can't help his stomp on the ground and his arms tightened the hold around her instinctively. "You're my girl! You'll always be my girl!! Friends - what are you -"

She stopped his pleading mutterings with a blissful kiss and Jungkook swore he felt the shivers coursing in his entire body. They had kissed many times since the day he confessed, but somehow...it never felt the same. She ignites something in him every time, leaving him wanting...addicted to more.

She can't leave. Jungkook might not know other love than this, but he didn't need to. What they feel for each other...it's more than anything he had ever imagined. He can't tell what the universe has in plan for them, but he knows their love is stronger to overcome it. Is he naive to think so? Maybe he is...but he's never felt more sure about anything else other than her...so it has to mean something right?

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